When does flowring show


I know for a fact that the plant i have is feminized because it came from a feminized seed. I would like to know when should flowering usually occur withing the start of your flowering stage. Its been about a week into the stage shouldn't i see some thin white hairs.....


Well-Known Member
I started to see white hairs around day 9 maybe a day before that...

Just because you have a feminized seed doesn't mean it will be 100% female, I had one hermie on me keep a close eye


Well-Known Member
dude my preflowers didnt start to show until like a week into flowering, with 4 weeks veg time.


Well-Known Member
They usually show preflowers 4-6 weeks after sprouting, if growth wasn't stunted.
Either if you use a 12\12 or a 18\6 or a 24\0 light regime.
The nodes start growing alternative rather than parallel too.

After than when you give the plant 12\12 light it takes a week or two before it actually starts to throw pistils all around the place.

Check peoples journals and see the mj life cycle.