Oh man, I'm an idiot. Okay it's been awhile but I just realized that I was using 10-10-10 fertilizer as my only medium. No soil! The guy at the nursery was an idiot too, I was trying to explain to him I needed a 3 nute soil, 30-15-15 and all they had was 10-10-10 and he gave me fertilizer only and i just now read the back, because I was like this shit doesn't look right. This is going to be a long rode... luckily I posted in the newbie forum.
Well, so I went outside and got some fairly good soil, it's brown, dark brown. I know black soil is better but this i all I have for now and i'll see how it works. I've already started germinating yesterday soo..
But I mixed the 10-10-10 fertilizer and vermiculite mix about 1/3, with the brown soil (dirt basically)!!
It actually looks like a soil medium and smells earthy now, not like ammonia like earlier with the fertilizer.
Oh jeez, if these things don't die it'll be a miracle.