When do you start counting?

Secret Grower

Active Member
Hey all, not my first grow but I am a little confused though. When do you guys start counting days into flowering? Is it when they show sex or when you switch the lights?




Well-Known Member
i start counting when they first show sex after 12/12. For example, i did 12/12 for a week, then they showed sex so i don't count that first week of 12/12 and start the count from that day.


Well-Known Member
its all up for debate. some seed companies say after they show sex. but to say a plant has been flowering for 8 weeks, that should mean that 8 weeks ago, it started showing sex, regardless of light schedual.


stays relevant.
I grow with clones, so I know the sex to begin with, but sometimes I count days from flower, but generally I just keep an eye on the trichs.


Well-Known Member
Really, I dont even count. I dont harvest based on how long its been, so why keep track? I harvest when the plant is ready. A certain amount of days doesnt mean the plant is ready.


Well-Known Member
I count for first day on 12/12. It's 8 weeks and 1 day to harvest with my set up and strain after 12/12 starts.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of people saying when the lights flip but this is untrue, it takes the plant at least a week to start producing hormones and start flowering. Starting when they showed sex, my plant is currently on day 70 so I am at 10 weeks of flower, Harvest day is fast approaching for me, just waiting on a few more amber trichs before she gets chopped

Secret Grower

Active Member
I have heard of people saying when the lights flip but this is untrue, it takes the plant at least a week to start producing hormones and start flowering. Starting when they showed sex, my plant is currently on day 70 so I am at 10 weeks of flower, Harvest day is fast approaching for me, just waiting on a few more amber trichs before she gets chopped
Thanks all for your responses, It's been about 5 years since my last grow and I'm learning so many new things since switching to hydro. I bought a 60-100x mini scope so I will just keep an eye on my trich's. I just didn't know when I should flush my plants, do you guys wait until they are about 50% cloudy before flushing? Again I'm using DWC.

Thanks +Rep for all!

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I count from when I put them in flowering...I fed mine for 8 weeks from the start and I'm flushing now for 2 weeks, one of them looks ready to pull whilst the other still has white hairs - still over a week before pulling though!


Well-Known Member
I start my final flush when I see roughly 10% of the trichs have turned amber, and I continue until 50% are amber , this usually takes another couple weeks, sometimes more.


Well-Known Member
The flowering time advertised is a basic timeframe. I start the clock when they show sex but only for general planning. Its all about the plant and how she develops and ripens.