When Do I Pull Males


Well-Known Member
pull them, keep them in a seperate room under some fluors, let them veg out and smoke the leaves (after drying). males still produce thc :D


Well-Known Member
Kill em, as soon as you are sure they are male (hopefully b4 the sacks open and pollenate) There are some great hash making techniques for male plants, i have tryed it with some sucess...


i was actually planning on taking clones from all of my plants and flowering the clones in order to sex them. when i find out which ones are males and which are female i will keep a mother plant and a father plant in vegitative state. obviously keep the mother for clones. and keep a father for breeding later! im a new grower to so let me know if thats a bad idea .


Well-Known Member
why is everyone so anxious to throw males away? bunch of sexist folk around here :D anyhow keep them for pollen, so you can have more seed stock. get into breeding, its very rewarding. grow the males out in a separate room and when they are nice and big, collect the pollen and then cut them down, make hash from the leaves using the gumby method (youtube it)


Active Member
Thanks Guys Im Pulling Out The Axe Now.. I Might Save One And Puut Under Floros Then Again I Might Not...thanx I'll Keep You Guys Posted.