When do I need to harvest?


Well-Known Member
if your leaves are turning a light pale green and starting to yellow and you also have clawed leaves you have a problem. Your ph is off and your nitrogen is too high causing a lockout. The only way to fix this is to flush with ph'd water. I had the same problem. So flush them out with twice the amount of water than the size of your containers, let it dry all the way bone dry then add just plain water at first, second watering add 1/4 strength bloom nutes, next watering add 1/2 strength and stay at that the rest of the way. They will use the nutes and energy from the lower leaves to finish budding. I am guessing the reason you are behind for how far you are into flowering is stunted growth due to your ph issue and nutrient lockout. Hope this helps. Also...every time you touch a white hair with your fingers, unless you have surgical gloves on you run the risk of turning them brown. So if you can manage, dont touch your buds lol.