When do I harvest this White Widow? Getting cold in Northern IL. How long?


Well-Known Member
whats going on ILL STATE?!!!!! that widow aint done yet bro... im from chicago so we got the same kinda climate.... i know its been cold, and rainey, and we aint seen the sun for like a week and shit but it will warm back up in a few days..... we got untill damn well halloween to go... your plant is not ready yet... your shit looks good though... something os going wrong with my outdoor and im trying to fix it.... your plant should be done around oct. 19thish


Well-Known Member
are you guys having any problems with leaf spot disease? fan leaves yellow and die off one by one have small spots on leaf
i have the strangest thing happening.... the tips of my plants are going orange/brownish and then going inwar killing the whole leaf..... ive never seen no shit like this before... looks like nuteburn but not all the way... im thinking its from the soil being too alkaline and since i added bone meal which also makes your soil more alkaline but i dont know.. has everything is in the ground i cant really check the run off ph... most of my indicas are 2 weeks from chop hope i can make it.... the fucking tahoe og kush i have will have to go into deep oct, and pushing the frost factor... ive had plants take heavy frosts before and live.... 30-32 f. wont kill my indicas....... but the leaves take heavy damage at like anything below 27-28 f.


Well-Known Member
i have the strangest thing happening.... the tips of my plants are going orange/brownish and then going inwar killing the whole leaf..... ive never seen no shit like this before... looks like nuteburn but not all the way... im thinking its from the soil being too alkaline and since i added bone meal which also makes your soil more alkaline but i dont know.. has everything is in the ground i cant really check the run off ph... most of my indicas are 2 weeks from chop hope i can make it.... the fucking tahoe og kush i have will have to go into deep oct, and pushing the frost factor... ive had plants take heavy frosts before and live.... 30-32 f. wont kill my indicas....... but the leaves take heavy damage at like anything below 27-28 f.

got a pic?...yeah i am done with the kush strains ...my kush is going to need to go to halloween at the earliest...i am pissed i grew it...


When will I know they are ready bro? I live up here too, weather not looking good at all... You really think I need 4 more weeks?


Well-Known Member
you can make the 4 weeks bro.... a few seasons ago i grew some bagseed mexican sativas that had to go till first week of nov... and they made it.. and purpled the fuck up


Well-Known Member
got a pic?...yeah i am done with the kush strains ...my kush is going to need to go to halloween at the earliest...i am pissed i grew it...
no i dont have a pic... and all my indcia kushes are deep into bloom.. only the sativa dom tahoe taking long


Well-Known Member
wouldnt we have the same photo period as ohio? in illinois i am speaking...i seen a guy on here in ohio think the name is trinityhawk...guy is got kaya gold i believe that is done already..not an auto and is a good yielding plant


Do you think these buds will sprout out more and yield more in the next 3-4 weeks? Even in this weather? Or just mature?


Well-Known Member
wouldnt we have the same photo period as ohio? in illinois i am speaking...i seen a guy on here in ohio think the name is trinityhawk...guy is got kaya gold i believe that is done already..not an auto and is a good yielding plant
depends on what line your sitting on..... geographicly speaking


Well-Known Member
Do you think these buds will sprout out more and yield more in the next 3-4 weeks? Even in this weather? Or just mature?

yes... you prolly wont notice it has much has the weeks up to this point but the caylxes will swell more, and the trichomes will amber


Yea I'm in northern illinois to byron its rainy as shit round here and official 12/12 just kicked in today for us what a crock a shit. my plants are around the same age and these next two weeks were going to see a incredible amount of growth but the beginning of this week is about to fuck up every thing this was supposed to be one of the best weeks for them but what are you going to do about mother and her damn nature. I just going into week six as of today so by the looks i'd say your harvest would be right around the same time as mine which is oct. 17th - 24th. I'm concerned with the low temps coming but as long as it doesn't reach under that 32° mark by then we should be good so just try to ride it out I've reached it the last two years and hope to this year also. Good growing and remember always be safe.


Well-Known Member
i am not worried about a frost...we wont see a hard frost til 2nd week of november...but the highs are in the low sixties and lows in the 40's and wet and not enough sun.the last few weeks is when the buds pack on weight and crystals but this weather is not ideal for the final stretch of these plants...was hoping for a couple weeks of sun in the 70's and probably not going to happen


All of the above is correct it is extremely wet. I guess the only advantage I have is mine are in pots and are covered by a tent during rain storms and from street lights at night. the day time temp will fluctuate so much from now til mid october from the mid 50s to the mid 70s at the end of it everything it will all balance out and make for a great harvest. But I do feel where you comin from with yours bein in the ground its a little diffrent so I would recommend you trying to let then grow til then but like the old saying when in doubt pull them bitches out.


New Member
Its raining in mid iowa now :( *Sniff

Supposed to be mid 70s rest of the week

I love the rain a lot but i want it to wait till harvest!

Cannabis Krew 420

Active Member
Looks to me like they still have long time to go atleast another 2 weeks probably 3. dont worry to much about frost unless it drops down really low. Your plant is healthy it will be able to handle afew light frosts, last year i had plants out till mid october and the got frosted 4 times. some of them went purple others stayed mostly green but the buds were not affected. Also im in central ontario and im leaving mine out for atleast another 2 weeks, ull be fine down there


Well-Known Member
i am not worried about a frost...we wont see a hard frost til 2nd week of november...but the highs are in the low sixties and lows in the 40's and wet and not enough sun.the last few weeks is when the buds pack on weight and crystals but this weather is not ideal for the final stretch of these plants...was hoping for a couple weeks of sun in the 70's and probably not going to happen
man i think the frost is comming around mid oct this year....


Well-Known Member
hope you are wrong bro..that would be very bad for me...go to weather.com and enter your zip code..you can look at the next 10 day forecast


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm in northern illinois to byron its rainy as shit round here and official 12/12 just kicked in today for us what a crock a shit. my plants are around the same age and these next two weeks were going to see a incredible amount of growth but the beginning of this week is about to fuck up every thing this was supposed to be one of the best weeks for them but what are you going to do about mother and her damn nature. I just going into week six as of today so by the looks i'd say your harvest would be right around the same time as mine which is oct. 17th - 24th. I'm concerned with the low temps coming but as long as it doesn't reach under that 32° mark by then we should be good so just try to ride it out I've reached it the last two years and hope to this year also. Good growing and remember always be safe.
Look at the bright side, we got a free flush and needed this rain anyways. Once the sun comes out the buds will fatten-up in a hurry...you'll see!.