When do I flush ?

I'm growing Purple Kush from Crop KIng Seeds and for flowering time they say 8 to 10 weeks .
How do I know when it's time to flush ? (DWC ,600 WattsHPS/Mh ,flora series )
Thank you for helping !


When? Never! not needed! MYTH!

You can not "flush" nutrients from plants = SCIENCE!
If you don't feed them for some weeks (fade) The plant is STILL moving the nutrient in the plant TO the buds !

As far as any home done side by side? Your brain finds a difference in things when "told" to. Even when the things being tested, are exactly the SAME = SCIENCE !!

It's called, Confirmation Bias

Once you get an idea in your head, you seek out only the evidence that supports your thought.

I got asked about this in a PM by a member after seeing the disaster another thread became. He asked where to find books and papers on "flushing" and said he might try the "fade".

Here's my answer to him......I felt it needs to be seen,,,,,,again!

Your looking for post grad work. You would do better to search papers......The thing is, NOTHING in agriculture gets 'flushed" and that leads to little to no research in the area. You see, the thing is, the whole "idea" of "flushing is nonsense! Plants don't work that way! They do not take up nutrients or salts as most of you think of them! They do not "store" them in the sense you think of them! Not only that, but the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers! NO amount of "flushing" will "exchange" plant "stored" nutrition back "out" of the plant! Scientifically impossible by the way most of you guys understand......Ok, that's my word on "flushing". (No one listens to this in threads if they don't want to hear it or accept it.)

Now then, you propose the "FADE TO FINISH" method. Great idea in theory but, and this IS a BIG BUT! Remember when I said above that "the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers!" ? This shoots that theory in the ass right away. You see the main amount of stored nutrition is in either the roots and the rest in leaves and some in small amounts in transit in the phloam (the sap that actually moves the nutrients around the plant)......

Now when you "starve a plant" it will draw from it's self by actually breaking down the needed parts of it's self to do an "emergency" attempt to reproduce! (This can happen in certain plants even in veg! A kind of last ditch effort to continue the species.)

With that in mind you take the fact that the plant is not "moving" nutrients "out" of buds,but into them to speed growth and as fast as it can - "reproduce". This single minded process the plant now puts it's self on causes the plant to stress it's self. This self induced stress can, in many cases if done long enough, lead the plant to go bisexual, and produce "banana's" in a last ditch effort to reproduce and "carry on the line" and produce seeds...

Basically put, In reality you are moving nutrients that you're "attempting" to get rid of,,right to where your trying to remove them from! You are also stressing the plant in the way for "Herming" to actually happen easier!

I and many others that have tried to convey this actual plant science, are called everything you can think of and those 'impossible of understanding these facts", fight so hard against us that many of us have simply chosen to avoid the issue or don't fight to hard.

Anyway, there you are in as short and sweet and as simple/understandable as I can...

The thing is you have to understand Botany and Horticulture (and there are LOTS of subsections to those that are involved here) to truly put together the pieces of the puzzle to get your head wrapped around the idea that flushing and the "fade" don't work for what they are intended or alleged to actually do!

There you go Mods, nice, polite and to the point. (Sorry about the other thread Sunni)

There you go, Now have at it!
I'm stepping back to watch the circus.

Read this too!


"Flushing" products simply flush money from your wallet! They need to change the name from "Floraclean" to Walletclean!
My one rebuttal to the above would be; of the number (vast number) of established growers/breeders that end feeding prior to harvest (call it what you want) why do they not see these Herm issues at increased frequency? All or most of the breeders/growers who I've been following for much longer than the life of this forum to this day afaik stop feeding or otherwise do not feed full strength up to harvest.

Nowhere in the assertion above does Dr Who go into breaking down of chloroplasts & chlorophyll as a result of ending food and near harvest growth characteristics of plants.

How much value added (quantifiable) is gained with the feed 'til harvest approach vs cutting off food the last week or two?
Yup no flush I personally starve em for my fade and colors I feed up to 2500 ppms in weeks 6-8 so my plants got plenty to eat for that last week. As far as pH water I add mycos and this run gonna try a lil shilajit with mycos and azos mix. But flush is bs it's really called leaching and should only be done with nute lock or salt build up. Good luck on your grow
My one rebuttal to the above would be; of the number (vast number) of established growers/breeders that end feeding prior to harvest (call it what you want) why do they not see these Herm issues at increased frequency? All or most of the breeders/growers who I've been following for much longer than the life of this forum to this day afaik stop feeding or otherwise do not feed full strength up to harvest.

Nowhere in the assertion above does Dr Who go into breaking down of chloroplasts & chlorophyll as a result of ending food and near harvest growth characteristics of plants.

How much value added (quantifiable) is gained with the feed 'til harvest approach vs cutting off food the last week or two?

And that's why this MYTH keeps going on and on! Vast number of idiots that know nothing of plant physiology and science! Jorge is a twit and all the magazine "writers" are bound to hold the "flush" line because they take in vast amounts of advertising dollars from nutrient makers. Who also make "flushing agents".....If they told the truth, they would loose ad dollars! The fucking editor of HT told me this personally , when I asked him why Danny Danko still spews flushing info....
As for "herming" I said can not will happen!

The "breaking down of chloroplasts & chlorophyll" as you assert here. HAPPENS during a proper CURE!

More value then your outdated and poorly thought out answer! It's when the buds BULK up ! The plants uses less N and the P use drops to like the stretch but, K and S use goes UP then!

The only reBUTTal you have on your plate is BUTT HURT!
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Your follow-up assumes the breeders/growers are book writers or editors for some magazine?.. wrong

I present a valid argument and you bring fallacy?

Breaking down of chloroplasts happens during plant life, not exclusive to being bottled up in a mason jar.
Your follow-up assumes the breeders/growers are book writers or editors for some magazine?.. wrong

I present a valid argument and you bring fallacy?

Breaking down of chloroplasts happens during plant life, not exclusive to being bottled up in a mason jar.

Butt hurt, I was doing this before they cut off your foreskin! I was there when this "logic" idea came out! I then went to classes that taught me the truth! Now take a goood loonngg look at the next words carefully..

Now stop acting like a Lemming and start to think for yourself! OR Go ahead and follow the rest of the crowd running off a cliff!

Do what you want OK? I don't give a shit!
But don't come in here and tell me science and my professor's are/were wrong!

Nothing gets flushed in ANY other farming! Ask your self why?

As far as chloroplasts go. How do you figure? The only ones breaking down are the one's not needed or damaged by things like too much P too early that leads to them breaking down to a yellowing slow death. Not to mention from not enough feeding!

A healthy plant (cannabis being grown for our use) should stay green till harvest with minor normal breakdown of plants tissue's.

Here is an almost ready GG#4...This exactly 60 days from the flip. It was run a bit longer with special lighting to finish properly..
She lost very few lower leaves to natural yellowing but remained green and healthy till I harvested....

Not flushed one stinking bit! Properly dried and cured....Taste is simply amazing and it burns perfectly!


All I can say is starve em. It'll work better less work and you won't have to worry about justifying anything. There's plenty of nutrients in the plant to last a full week
Why would you starve a plant that is finishing the most important phase? It's stupid to stress out a plant that's flowering, it's what you're growing the plant for..
Why would I possibly be upset that you cannot conduct yourself with any class while presenting a point of view?

It sounds like you're upset that your theory doesn't hold much water, as was stated there is no increase in frequency of noted herm tendencies in cases where growers have been using these methods extensively if even exclusively.

I've fed til the end, and will always implement a tapering if not outright removal of any supplemental feeding at the end weeks, that is all.

Get control of your emotions

ur gg4 looks beautiful, would look just as beautiful with a nice fade imo
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Why would I possibly be upset that you cannot conduct yourself with any class while presenting a point of view?

It sounds like you're upset that your theory doesn't hold much water, as was stated there is no increase in frequency of noted herm tendencies in cases where growers have been using these methods extensively if even exclusively.

I've fed til the end, and will always implement a tapering if not outright removal of any supplemental feeding at the end weeks, that is all.

Get control of your emotions

ur gg4 looks beautiful, would look just as beautiful with a nice fade imo

Whaa whaa whaa....Your still stuck on herming as you lost the rest of the battles?...

Your fading nutrition is sent directly to where your attempting to clean out nutrients...BTW, it was organic water only,,,,,couldn't stop feeding if I tried! Can't fade it! Or flush it....without hurting it

:finger: class! Pissed off mood day! You jumped in front of the sights!
Makes me tired of the mindless crowd followers that insist something works that's not possible by science......Especially those that come back and insist that it does. Stop saying the universe revolves around the earth and that it's flat....

Now I'm done too!
I think the OP needs to be reminded that he is free to do any experimenting and draw from that his own conclusions. Feed half your crop up until the chop, stop feeding the other half 2 weeks prior to a forecasted chop date. Dry cure and make note.

Dr Who, how about cite one of our well known friends who practices a "fade" and their hermi issues as a man of higher education you should have offered sources without having to be asked.
Why would you starve a plant that is finishing the most important phase? It's stupid to stress out a plant that's flowering, it's what you're growing the plant for..
Idk your right I'll just keep my tips to myself do you bruh I know nothing at all just a dirt weed smoker growing Mexican brick bro can you show me what your extra week of nutes gets ya? Show me what you get that i dont.....These girls are soooooo starved IMG_20170106_175813584.jpg IMG_20170105_232505757.jpg IMG_20170104_240958420.jpg IMG_20170103_190331873.jpg IMG_20170103_190359708.jpg
Btw @OrganiChron and @Dr. Who don't you both grow organic? We all know that's not the same as using bottled nutes and supplying proper salts instead y'all rely on your beneficial microbes and amendments to supply the plant with its nutrients. Wouldn't you say the two are pretty different I mean I run synthetic I starve for a week because their is plenty of nutrients in my pots already feeding how I do. Do you feed bottled nutes on top of your organic till crop day? Again I don't flush the last week they get a mix of shilajit, azos, and mycos WP.....
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Hear Yee Hear Yee. Thy flush when the moons hold the child of seas. Thy plaque thy will see on thy teeth will be genuine and the sleighs will be still.
I used to flush but now I don't, instead I take it out of the pot as if I'm transplanting. Then bring it in the shower with me. Almost like a flash flush. Re-pot in fresh soil. No water for a month.