When Do I Flower??

So, a real dumb question I am sure. When can/should I start my 12/12 flowering light cycle? I am in a DIY bubbleponics system. Started from seed July 27. Most of my plants are about 10 inches. I have two that are really far behind at 5 inches does that matter when in comes to flowering?


Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
You can flower just about any time you like but, when I want REALLY GOOD results I veg for at least 45 days.
How tall will they get when you veg that long? I am a using 400w MH and 400w HPS now and will have two HPS bulbs going at flower. And does it matter if 3 of the 10 are about half the size? And I know this is an impossible question to answer about how much product will I get if I veg 30-45 days?

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
depends on how tall you want them to be. if it's indica it will prolly double+ in size. if sativa likely to triple, hybred is in between.They look good.


How tall will they get when you veg that long? I am a using 400w MH and 400w HPS now and will have two HPS bulbs going at flower. And does it matter if 3 of the 10 are about half the size? And I know this is an impossible question to answer about how much product will I get if I veg 30-45 days?
don't worry about the yeild just try and get them to harvest. I'm 13 wks into flowering and really getting sick and tired of babying them.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
They'll double or triple in size.
Yield....that's a tough one but, 1-2 oz. dry is about average.


Well-Known Member
don't worry about the yeild just try and get them to harvest. I'm 13 wks into flowering and really getting sick and tired of babying them.
dont worry bout yeild?? sik of babying them??? thats what growing is all about... its not about gettin free smoke, its about gettin the most quality and quantity u can... its a hobby and the most satisfying thing is the end resault and acomplishments u made, not the $100 u saved by not having to buy weed for a few weeks.. when ur done, u should feel proud of ur work and what u did to achieve that... not to feel overwilemed or inconveinenced by it... its a reflection of u... they r like ur children.. u want to raise them the best u can, rite?? if u do feel unsatisfyed with yeild or quality, then u should have atleast learned/learn what went wrong and what can be done next time around to give u beter resaults... its a learning process that can be rewarding mentaly and financialy

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
So, a real dumb question I am sure. When can/should I start my 12/12 flowering light cycle? I am in a DIY bubbleponics system. Started from seed July 27. Most of my plants are about 10 inches. I have two that are really far behind at 5 inches does that matter when in comes to flowering?
you have to keep a couple things in mind when vegging. how much headroom do i have, and what is the wattage of my light? if you let them get too tall for your area in veg, then in flower you'll really be in trouble. you can always tie down, but it's better to plan ahead, and flower early if you have height limitations. you also don't want your plants getting too tall with a 400 watt light. each light wattage will only penetrate so far into the canopy. if a 400 watt light is only penetrating 6" into the canopy, there's no sense in growing a 3 ft. plant.


Well-Known Member
you have to keep a couple things in mind when vegging. how much headroom do i have, and what is the wattage of my light? if you let them get too tall for your area in veg, then in flower you'll really be in trouble. you can always tie down, but it's better to plan ahead, and flower early if you have height limitations. you also don't want your plants getting too tall with a 400 watt light. each light wattage will only penetrate so far into the canopy. if a 400 watt light is only penetrating 6" into the canopy, there's no sense in growing a 3 ft. plant.
thats y u suppercrop or LST... it will get those buds at the bottom mature and keep ur hights low with an even canopy with all ur bus, not jus the tops
I will look into topping. Since this is my first grow I am being a little impatient. Will topping take longer to mature? Is topping to advanced for a newbie? A really stupid question for you. Do buds come from each node as well as the top of the plant? Right now at 10 inches tall I have 6 nodes on 70% of my plants.


Well-Known Member
I will look into topping. Since this is my first grow I am being a little impatient. Will topping take longer to mature? Is topping to advanced for a newbie? A really stupid question for you. Do buds come from each node as well as the top of the plant? Right now at 10 inches tall I have 6 nodes on 70% of my plants.
yes buds come from each node...topping is very easy.. its jus cuttin the top down to make it smaller and the nodes below ur cut grow into ur tops/branches so now u have 2 or 4 instead of 1... suppercropping is the way to go... by doin this u can turn every bud at the nodes all the way down ur branch to become tops as u will see in my pics...its bending ur plants down/sideways so they cover ur grow surface area and open ur plant up so all ur buds see more light... it creates a sea of gren affect alowing light to penatrate every bud... heres a link to help u understand it... any QnA imaginable is on it.... and heres my p pics to show what u r trying looking to achive... there is 12 experimental SOG clones in the corner that u can see.. the rest is 7 plants that r about 18 inches high... with out doin this they would be a bout 30 inches high and the buds at the base woulda nvr sen the light of day and woulda been bumfluff..



So, I super cropped two last night, and FIMed two or three. And now I am scared shitless. I wake up this morning and a majority the leaves are wilted? PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS NORMAL?????


Well-Known Member
So, a real dumb question I am sure. When can/should I start my 12/12 flowering light cycle? I am in a DIY bubbleponics system. Started from seed July 27. Most of my plants are about 10 inches. I have two that are really far behind at 5 inches does that matter when in comes to flowering?

i would do it now because they are going to double maybe tripple, my plant i flowered it at 18 inches and it grew to 6 feet tall , and when you decide to flower it give it 24-36 hours of darkness first and then you should be good to go to 12/12 bro


Well-Known Member
you just shocked the plant by stressing it to much its going to do that and just pray you dont get hermies