When do i add nute's to a seedling

I am brand new to this and have im sure a very common asked question. I have a seedling that is rooted in a rapid rooter tray with a 90w led over until my other seeds get here, im not wanting to put it in my larger system yet. I dont think its ready for this system yet anyway, It only has 2 leaves sprouted, more are coming but im kinda lost!! Any and all comments are welcome !:confused:


Active Member
Can't say for sure.. im new to this too. But i can tell you I killed my week old seedling with just a super tiny amt of nutes. The seedling should be able to last 2 weeks on just the nutes from it's seed alone... so I wouldn't.


get yourself some fox farm ocean forest cut it with a little bit of perlite and use just water thats at a good ph and u should be fine though out your intire veg time only when it starts to flower will you need more nutes


Active Member
you dont even have to cut the soil with anything...but father&son is correct the soil has enough nutes in it to last until like the second week of flower, im using fox farm happy frog and i dont use any nutes until bout the second or third week of flower....


Active Member
No nutes for the first 3 weeks atleast if you have new soil. I burned my plant this way the first time i did it. Had to flush and it didn't grow for 3-4 days after
im growing in hydro am i supposed to start in soil?? im using fox farm nutes as well , i mixed a very week mix and set my ph at 5.3 my ph has been climbing every two days ....