WHEN DO I ADD 1st Nutes


Well-Known Member
At the start of week 4 sounds about right. But I like to judge by size, and also by when the last time I transplanted was. If I recently transplanted into fresh soil, then I would hold off on the nutes for another week or two.
By the way, what soil is that? It kinda looks like it has big chunks in it. I would try to get those out, they can cause the "bonzai" effect.
Good luck man happy growing!


Active Member
By the way, what soil is that? It kinda looks like it has big chunks in it. I would try to get those out, they can cause the "bonzai" effect.
Good luck man happy growing!

Yeah, I was wondering if that is planted outside. If that's in a pot, your soil looks to have big chunks of uncomposted stuff in it. The first cheap wally world "potting soil" I bought looked like that - full of sticks and rocks and all kinds of crap.

I got the exact "bonsai effect" mentioned - stunted, bushy, squat little seedlings that couldn't get their roots going properly.

Edit: Also, uncomposted stuff makes for uneven pH and nutrients, giving you "hotspots" and such.


Well-Known Member
Wait another week before giving nutes. More importantly is just keeping the soil moist for now. Besides You don't want to rush it, could make fatal mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys ! the soil is clean lol thats just the top like mulch... im transplanting to 5 gallon for outdoor grow then waiting 2 weeks on nutes!