when do female plants produce trichomes


when do females produce trichomes do they produce it in the second or third week of flowering or they produce when they start flowering


Well-Known Member
you usually dont (or at least in my experience) see trichomes until about 2-3 weeks after sexing. my current grow was about 2 1/2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
no the thc has not had time to build up, the high if any would be weak and the buds will be really small just wait


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt waste any of your buds on smokin em at week 3.. like purple said, its gunna be worth the wait.. hang in there.


Well-Known Member
depends on genetics.,.,some show earlier than others give i ttime and all a be fine.,.,.,.it will produce.,.when u swithch to 12-12 u will c a massive change.,.,.,also from my xperiances keeping the air dry,but still fresh,,.,.humidity low.,.,makes for resinous flowers/leaves.,.,thc is the plants way of keeping moistre in also keeping the delicate seeds that were supposed to be in those fragile pods sheilded from harmful rays/catching pollen with the sticky,and ridged trichome heads.,.,.thats wat i i was told awile back when i just started growing around 15years old-im 21 now.,.,the best xample is afgan and hash plant strains originate in very dry arid desert.,.&there highly resounis,.so .,.,bada bo0m bada bing forget about it.,.,.lol

Illegal Smile

Not only is it worth the wait, it is bad karma to smoke any early. The ganja gods would be angered - do so at your own peril! :o


thanxs everybody i was just wonering why people waited for 8 to 12 weeks its seems like patence is virtue thanx agian