Dank O Licious
Active Member
I was 14 years of age when I first smoked out of a home-made gatorade bong. Didn't really trip, my eyes just felt kinda heavy
ill take two of what hes haveing10 YO, Just minding my own business walking home from school and the resident stoner in the apartment complex I lived in offered to smoke me out. My Dad smokes and both my brothers so I wasn't even worried about it....just another day in the white ghetto. If I remember correctly it was some sticky ass red haired satvia. I think he was just trying to make me tweak cause we smoked about a quarter. Too bad for him Ganja always takes a bit to hit me. So I'm on my way home again and WHAM! like god came down and unscrewed my skull.....sidewalks turned purple......dogs laughed as I passed them......and we had to go grocery shopping the next day, the rest is history....
That would put us nearly the same age kronicS. You crusty old fart...i think there is already a thread like this but what the helli was 16 and it was 1979. the 70's were awesome
always easy back then to score some weed and a lot of times i got it for free