When Did Smoking Weed Become So Complicated?


Well-Known Member
I'm in the market for a pipe, and was looking through the AquaLabTechnologies website.
There are SO many brands, devices, and terms, that I have no idea what I'm looking at. Everything is so expensive too. What are some good brands?

This was in the description of a "Helix"

Bubbler Head with 6 Slit Diffused Downstem Included
Spoon Pipe Adapter Included
Taster Head Adapter Included
Blue Keck Clip Included
a what? I have no idea what any of those are.

nevermind I found a guide.

Some other questions though, what is "scientific glass" and "heady glass?"
dude, its not complicated. go to your local head shop and pick the one you want off the shelf. all this technical mumbo jumbo has now passed through the growing community and on to the glass community?
buy a piece in person, that way the only things you have to worry about are quality and beauty.


Well-Known Member
yea I didn't know how to look for quality but after reading a few guides I have an idea. now i'm tired -.- peace

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I'm in the market for a pipe, and was looking through the AquaLabTechnologies website.
There are SO many brands, devices, and terms, that I have no idea what I'm looking at. Everything is so expensive too. What are some good brands?

This was in the description of a "Helix"

a what? I have no idea what any of those are.

nevermind I found a guide.

Some other questions though, what is "scientific glass" and "heady glass?"
lol i'm kind of a bong guy, I know what they're talking about i'll pm ya ;)

but scientific glass is the glass like clear tubing, with all types of flitration and ash catching. Basically scientific in the sense of how it filters smoke and what not.

Heady glass is artistic glass, or pretty glass. Colors, designs, shapes animals. These are glass blowers, rather than labels (like roor, or toro)

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
indeed sir aqualabs got everything that helix pipe is bad ass gotta love the three in one, that keck clip is just a clip to keep the downstem and in the case of the helix the bowl falling out.

If you cant find it on aqualab dont waste your time going to ur local store because they wont have it either. aqualab has everything and their prices are reasonable too. I live somewhat close so my stuff gets here next day no matter what kinda convenient