when can you get cuttings off the plant?


Well-Known Member
When it is large enough to lose a branch, or there is a branch to cut...When there is enough growth to take a 6 in cutting but leave some plant behind...


Well-Known Member
Well yeah u need to leave plant behind but it doesn't have to b a 6" cutting I've grown clones that were cut as small as 2". But yes if its ur 1st time cloning a longer cutting is easier to handle.


Well-Known Member
I start by cloning just the top. Then go from there. Usually about 3 wks- month but I start with clones. Thats for a mother.


Well-Known Member
you will get the best cuttings off a plant thats at least 2 months old not saying you cant get them soon but an older plants a stronger plant and you want both to live


bud bootlegger
ok guys along those same lines -how many generations can you keep cutting those clones?
honestly, as many as you want, the plants will be the same as long as you treat it just like the older one
yah, think of all of the clone only strains that exist today.. just some off of the top of my head are hmm, let's say exodus cheese, green crack, blue dream, etc, etc, etc...
all of these strains have been kept alive for years by simpling cloning and cloning and cloning..


Well-Known Member
i had a momma plant for 7 years and the last baby was the same as the first and she would have lived longer but my building burnt down i cut 1000s off her my own breed train wreck x great white shark we call it YOUR FUCKED


Well-Known Member
A few plants here are near their 20th generation clone.

If a plant gets fucked up along the way, like it starts flowering then revegged, then it can be effected for life.

My grapefruit x blueberry starts to flower when badly rootbound, even under 20 hrs of light. It recently got so bad that after I transplanted it, it showed all the signs of reveg. Flowering a little of it now, and it is just not the same. I suspect it never will be.

So say you take 15 clones from your mother and then throw her out. You use 14 clones for your flower and then you turn one into your mother. When you do this, use the healthiest clone. You do not want the genetics to be passed on through a weak clone.

My point is, the number of times you take a cutting to make a new mum will have little to no effect. But, little mishaps over several years will add up.