When can i start planting outdoor!!!??


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow outdoors men and women, Last year I remember I started planting outdoors around this time, but I remember a couple my plants started flowering cause the photo period wasn't quite right. The plants re-veged and turned into monsters but I wanna know whats the IDEAL time to plants outdoor in California?


Active Member
Im not from cali so im just gonna give you a basic....I was told to start them around mothers day....end of may


Well-Known Member
Ya thats what seemed to be when it was best. But I'm pretty sure you can start sooner than that. Does anyway have a chart of photo periods during the different months in Cali? that would be very useful
Im not from cali so im just gonna give you a basic....I was told to start them around mothers day....end of may


Well-Known Member
There are a few factors that are of concern when growing mj in general.
Vegetative period: You really want somewhere close to 18 hours of light. Which is why mid May is a good idea for outdoor in Cali. If you want monster plants, veg them indoor for a bit where you can control the environment.
Temperature: You're gonna kill your plant pretty quick, exceptions do occur, if your temps are really low. Another reason why mid May is a good idea.
Rain: Super duper rain showers es no beuno mi amigo. Probably want to wait until "April showers" are over.
Those are the reason why I personally would wait until mid May, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Great comments guys, mucho appreciation!, Like u guys said about indoors, I have my babies getting ready for outdoor. I have a feeling this summer is gonna be a great one!

Diesel D

Hey everybody this is gonna be my first grow, I'm in mayland and I was wondering what would be the best strain to use in the area. Also I can start it indoors for a really short amount of time, like a week cause I still live with the rents. But ya when's the best time to plant and all that jaz? Any advice is welcome thanks


Active Member
I don't like to dick around....I start mine inside in Feb/March then let then grow in solo cups until mid April/1st of May. This way germination is out of the way and you have actual plants to put out side. Remember the longer the veg...the bigger the plant...the bigger the plant...the bigger the yield. I give mine light 24/7 until they are ready for outside. You can use some cheap flous to start plants then give them sun. It's Mar. 31 and this is where I am already at....

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