When can i expect some odor?


Active Member
I am at 3 weeks right now with several nodes per plant, i have a 6 pound carbon filter,3x 1300 MGPH ozone (at different areas of home/grow room), and ONA blocks to kill odor. But i still want to be able to bend over and smell it. I have 6 plants, when can i expect that sweet smell.....even though im trying so hard to hide it.


When they start budding is when i noticed it the most, mine dont smell too bad at all though.


Well-Known Member
I am 4 1/2 wks into flowering. We had some unknown strains we are calling them JT & Tennessee, Tenn. just started smelling like cat piss just 2 days ago. If you gently rub the fan leaves or the small bud leaves you should smell a little our cats like to rub on them, it gives them the feeling of the outdoors they never eat it, but my point is that when they get in there they cause it to smell to high heaven. That just tells me the girls are getting ripe, and ready for me. Good Luck w/ yours. We are on our first grow and we are using clones from a friend and we are starting with bag seeds until we know we are doing things correctly as we don't want to waste money on the good shit till we are good at growing. GL!!!!bongsmilie