When are we going to see some leadership??


Well-Known Member
The UN inspectors themselves have stated that whoever used the chemical weapons is unclear. We need to wait for verification before we make the wrong move, before we are stuck with another Iraq.


Well-Known Member
The UN inspectors themselves have stated that whoever used the chemical weapons is unclear. We need to wait for verification before we make the wrong move, before we are stuck with another Iraq.
We need the president to STFU and stop making proclamations he is unwilling or unable to carry through with...


Well-Known Member
It is kinda embarassing to the big O and his sidekick biden that they were saying GWB was committing an impeachable offence when he did the exact same thing...

Explain that one lucy....
bush bombed iran?

explain that one, rebbeca.

We need the president to STFU and stop making proclamations he is unwilling or unable to carry through with...
run over another garden hose today, kiddo? you seem grumpy.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
is that the delusion you're clinging to now? a couple hundred?

article 1 section 8, child.

it says to declare war. we haven't declared a war since pearl harbor.

get your delusions straight, kiddo.

If a bomb kills a child in an "undeclared" war is the child still dead or not? How does that work?


Well-Known Member

The president has not decided whether we are going to strike Syria or not.

This is despite his secretary of state coming out yesterday and saying that the Assad administration has definitely used chemical weapons against his own people. This is after Obama said that using chemical weapons is a red line that should not be crossed.

I am reminded of the vaudville routine of "Whos on first".."Whats on second" and "I dont know" is on third..

The American people deserve more leadership than we are getting from the Obama administration...

Obama is saying the line never got to him. I think he snorted it and forgot personally....
Bush was fairly open and look what that got us. A bunch of non-science 9/11 Devil Worship, Rosy O'Donnell madness.

You might want to re-think what leadership means here. Every President has to do that. Re-mold his idea of leadership.

Do much fighting or sparring yourself? I didn't think so.

Leadership in conflict is deception.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The president has not decided whether we are going to strike Syria or not.

I've decided I'm not going to strike Syria. Who is this guy that can make other people's decisions for them and kill people he doesn't know? Sounds sort of godlike.


Well-Known Member
I've decided I'm not going to strike Syria. Who is this guy that can make other people's decisions for them and kill people he doesn't know? Sounds sort of godlike.
He is the elected President, fool. His powers are real. Go to the other forum for this god shit.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
He is the elected President, fool. His powers are real. Go to the other forum for this god shit.

So "political dissent" is verboten? Funny that the uniting factor between you and Uncle Buck is that discussions which question political systems and methods should be verboten.

His powers are real. Doesn't it concern you that attempts to question those powers or limit them are seen as invalid?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It is his choice alone for the next 3 years. And then we elect the yeti god and world peace, just happens.

It's impossible to get world peace, by using political means that begin with coercion. So it won't "just happen" as long as people continue to believe in two opposing things at once.

Einstein had a saying about that.


Well-Known Member
You are whining. You have no alternate even in your mind. You simply don't like this. Join the fucking club. :)


Well-Known Member
Well, I have been wrong once before.

I had thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken. :)


Well-Known Member
Before the president originally came out and said there was a red line he should have known then what he was prepared to do if said line was crossed.

Now we have this wishy washy shit where the president might fire a bunch of cruise missiles or maybe he will just write a strongly worded letter. And he is not really sure but he might make up his mind between afternoon golf and an evening playing spades with his butler....

Obama couldnt lead his way out of a paper bag.


Well-Known Member
Before the president originally came out and said there was a red line he should have known then what he was prepared to do if said line was crossed.

Now we have this wishy washy shit where the president might fire a bunch of cruise missiles or maybe he will just write a strongly worded letter. And he is not really sure but he might make up his mind between afternoon golf and an evening playing spades with his butler....

Obama couldnt lead his way out of a paper bag.
You are a press hack and info 'driod. You don't have enough sources. And you are playing. The election is over. He is C&C, now and if you think it is so easy, that is why, by definition, you cannot call the shots.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You are whining. You have no alternate even in your mind. You simply don't like this. Join the fucking club. :)
Alternatives imply a FULL range of choices. Choosing WHO will rule you is their sleight of hand. I join clubs that I like and don't support or join those I don't like.

My message to you is, why don't you quit the club you're in? Oh I forgot, "WE" won't let you. If you can't disassociate from a "club" are you still free?


Well-Known Member
Before the president originally came out and said there was a red line he should have known then what he was prepared to do if said line was crossed.

Now we have this wishy washy shit where the president might fire a bunch of cruise missiles or maybe he will just write a strongly worded letter. And he is not really sure but he might make up his mind between afternoon golf and an evening playing spades with his butler....

Obama couldnt lead his way out of a paper bag.
so your beef is that he did not have a plan worked out a year in advance and execute it before all the intelligence was in?

sounds to me like you pine for the days of the iraq war.

Alternatives imply a FULL range of choices. Choosing WHO will rule you is their sleight of hand. I join clubs that I like and don't support or join those I don't like.

My message to you is, why don't you quit the club you're in? Oh I forgot, "WE" won't let you. If you can't disassociate from a "club" are you still free?