When are u gonna plant outside!!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone just wondering when everyone is popping there ladies outside (I'm in southern Ontario) I know may is the time but I've seen people post about putting them out in early April late March is this possible??
I got my soil cookin now, I plan on plantin my seeds outside the last week of March. Growing 6 blue dreams this year in 50 gallon smart pots. I also got 15 autos under a greenhouse right now, they're about 2 weeks old now.

I'm in the High Desert of Socal btw.
Big spot will be 4/20
My backyard will be like May 20 since they can't tower over the fence like the last couple years. Haha

SoCal sunny San Diego county over here
Last year I put some out late April, some mid May. This year I'm putting them out later because I want to keep them smaller, I don't need pounds and they are easier to cover come fall rains/wind if they are closer to the ground. I read somewhere that if you grow them outside in pots, they'll finish earlier? Anyone else heard/experienced that? Wrapping it up before October would be ideal.

So, to answer the OP's question, I'm looking at June 1st even though I could probably get away with April 1st.

Edit; on the wet side of Oregon north of the 45th.
In the first week of February I had too many plants for my tent, so I put one outside and one in kitchen next to a window. Almost a month later the one outside was doing really well and the one inside was just stunted, so now they are both outside.

So, I guess I've started my outdoor kind of early, one plant February 6th, one March 4th. We'll see how it goes... It's been a really mild winter so far, if we get any late freezing weather I'll take them in for the night.

I'm down here just south of 31 degrees. I have 5 of my CP1 seeds up and moved away from the homestead.


I have 16 slightly younger sprouts from my Slo2 and Slo3 seeds. I'll planting more on Monday and Tuesday, so these will have to find a home in a week or two. I'll do less this time. Don't want too many getting ready to be packed into the woods at the same time. I do have to find some time for my regular garden.


I'm still dodging frosts. There was one this morning on the roof. I have a place to put the little ones to protect them, but once they are out in the woods, they just have to hope for no more frost.

On the light front, my visible light is 12 hours 28 minutes, and gaining 1 minute 50 seconds a day. {the rate of increase is increasing also} I'm hoping the plants are young enough they won't realize they are not getting enough. To me 13 hours is the magic number. I'll be there in 16-17 days. I'm looking to fill about 68 of the 79 holes I've dug, so I have to be workman like the next few weeks. Once they are in the ground, they will get little attention until sexing time. Other than topping. I opened my last two jars yesterday. By the time I start topping, I'll be dried out enough to make some judgments.
Are you putting extra light on those outside ? It looks like they are both still in veg
No, not at all. Not doing anything special for them really. They are hanging out on a covered deck area, if its sunny I move them out into the yard, otherwise where they are they get direct (or cloud/overcast diffused) light in the afternoon. The little one that was inside looks like it was trying to start to flower when you look at the tips of the new growth up close. I'm hoping they keep vegging and then fall into a normal summer cycle.

The night time temps are 40-50+/-, the daytime 45-60+/-, so its cold enough that they are kind of growing in slow motion. The little one was with house plants, and was over-watered. It was also in a 1 gallon pot until it was put outside yesterday. They are both primarily in recycled soil from a previous grow, so its pretty nute-rich. We had a few sunny days in February, but mostly its just overcast or raining here in Oregon.

Since I live in a windy micro-climate, we cover them when it gets gusty. The bigger one is almost too big for the cover, not sure what I'll do if she outgrows it.

after victoria day was usualy the time where you could put most plants (garden veg, ornamentals) outside here (canada), but lately we've been getting either record high temps or record low temps , so its hard to predict , just gotta look at what natures doing, the birds ( wood warblers ) usualy arrive here mai 9-10 and victorias day was arround mai 25, so i think it would be an educated guess to say you can plant outside 2weeks after the arrival of wood warblers ( birds), the birds will only come when the flies have thawed out and larvae witch only happens whe the temperatures dont frost or dont frost hard anyways
Sounds funny but i think its as accurate as the local weather forcast, lol
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In the first week of February I had too many plants for my tent, so I put one outside and one in kitchen next to a window. Almost a month later the one outside was doing really well and the one inside was just stunted, so now they are both outside.

So, I guess I've started my outdoor kind of early, one plant February 6th, one March 4th. We'll see how it goes... It's been a really mild winter so far, if we get any late freezing weather I'll take them in for the night.

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What are your temps were gonna get into plus Celsius next week and so on but still pretty cold.
Hey everyone just wondering when everyone is popping there ladies outside (I'm in southern Ontario) I know may is the time but I've seen people post about putting them out in early April late March is this possible??
I start indoors March 21st and bring out usually may 24
What are your temps were gonna get into plus Celsius next week and so on but still pretty cold.
Not sure if there is a question in there... The weather here is completely unpredictable, and climate change is just exaggerating that. We can have long cold wet springs, or warm dry ones. I'll just take it as it comes.