When and how much nutes to give?


Active Member
This is my baby Screen_20120510_192840.jpg about 2 weeks old, got a little light burn yesterday, one cfl dropped on it. I was wondering if i should start giving nutes and if so how much and how often. Also will the light burn heal?

Living The Dream

New Member
the light burn should heal. since she's a little down on her luck right now i would hold off on the nutes till she perks back up. then start with a 250ppm solution of your veg nutes.


Active Member
I have Schultz Liquid plant food 10-15-10, its 7 drops per litre. After it heals how much and how often should i feed it

Living The Dream

New Member
get yourself a pH/ppm meter. best investment you will make. mix your nutes based on ppm and not dosages. then check the pH after you let the nutes sit out for 30 minutes and adjust. 6.3-6.6 for soil mixes. 5.9-6.1 for coco.

Living The Dream

New Member
you can get cheap pH stripes from any pool supply or hardware store if money is the issue right now. then when you have $160 you can get a pH/ppm pen. that way you can at least measure the pH of you solution and soil for now.

as for the ppm's, i would just mix half the recommended dosages on the nutrient bottles or the schedule that came with them. almost all nutrient recommendations are WAY to hot for plants.


Active Member
At that stage I used clonex salution(not the gel) after 2 months I moved to floranova so far it is doing the trick. I am a noob myself so take it for what it is...lol


Active Member
Oh alright, ill invest into a ph, but for now ill just mix half of what it says, how often should i give it nutes? every second day?

Living The Dream

New Member
Oh alright, ill invest into a ph, but for now ill just mix half of what it says, how often should i give it nutes? every second day?
you should water the plants when the soil starts to dry out. in cups that size when the soil is dry to about an inch below the surface you should water. water a little bit till you get some runoff out of the bottom. you should feed them nutes then when they dry out again feed them just water, then nutes, then water and so on. only give them nutes in the water every other time.

if you are testing the pH of your water and adjusting it then you may run into some serious problems later on. even sooner on.


Well-Known Member
over-watering or poor drainage is an issue, imo. see how raised and puffy the leaves are? re-pot to a 6" pot or gallon container, and let it bounce back. no nutes til you say to yourself, "self.....that little fucker is really starting to grow." and then only 1/4 strength. when it perks up, put it outside in the shade for a few days, and slowly acclimate it to sunlight.


Active Member
Alright sir, thank alot! Ill do what you said. Once it starts growing nicely should i follow the "once every 7-14 days of nutes"? i still havnt got an answer on how often i should feed them? :S and i transplanted the plant to a 6" pot


Well-Known Member
I feed my plants every third watering. I start my nutes at 1/4 strength wait a few weeks 1/2 strength wait a few more weeks full strength and then when youswitch to flower nutes just stay at full strength. I have never used the nutes you have so I can't say if you will need full strength or not just step it up a little at a time and see how they respond if you start to see a little burn back of on the nutes and just stay at that amount

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
a good 7 day nute cycle for flower/bloom to go on for soil is ...feed, water, water, feed, water, water, flush. repeat that for apx 8 weeks and u will be fine. as far as veg goes...jst feed them every other time u water (when the soil is dry to the touch) around 4-6 days..good luck and merry growing :)