When a plant is in shock


Well-Known Member
My light fell on top of plant a week ago it only needed a week or 2 to finish.
I tied up about 1/2 the plant and it looks like it will live but it must be in shock.
What goes on with a plant while it is in shock,will it lose any potency,is it shock or part of the healing process.
The frost was covering pretty good,will it come back,did it get knocked off or did damage cause it to quit?


Well-Known Member
It should fine as long as you didn't snap the main stem. If branches are snapped, support them, and tape the branch with some duct tape at the break When a plant is in shock, growth will stop until it recovers, which should only be for a few day's. Potency will not be affected.


Well-Known Member
plants can take an absurd amount of abuse and be ok. hell, I bet there are some folks out there that would applaud your method of stressing the plant to increase resin! if I have a situation where I feel like a plant is really on the brink of not making it, I try to back off the amount of light it gets, whether by moving the plant, the light, or shading the plant from the sun. I do this to reduce the demands placed on the plant so she can focus on healing - until I feel like she's recovered (it can take a week or more).


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies,hoonry that makes good thinking (Couldn't spell right word).
That sounds good,I gave it a little less light by luck,I was worried most about resin & tric production.
Another week 10 days it will be done once it starts back?