when a good time to take a few clones?..w/pix


Active Member
id like to have a clone of each plant..is it too early to take some??

I need to start flowering Real soon also..times short where im liven.

these ladies are 5 weeks from seed today..all 10 inches tall..bushy as hell.

any help is welcome
4-8-13 Ex Chz.jpg4-8-13 Blue Lemon Thia.jpg4-8-13 the Doc.jpg4-14-13 BLT.jpgall 4-18-13.jpg

4-14-13 Ex Chz.jpg4-14-13 the Doc.jpg4-16-13 blt.jpg4-16-13 Ex Chz.jpg4-16-13 The Doc.jpg4-18-13 blt.jpg4-18-13 Ex Chz.jpg4-18-13 the doc.jpg4-24-13 blt.jpg4-24-13 Ex chz.jpg4-24-13 the doc.jpg5-5-13 blt.jpg5-5-13 ex chz.jpg5-5-13 the doc.jpgall 5-5-13.jpg


Well-Known Member
ok first off dont take twenty pics from the same stupid vantage point a shot from the side would have been nice to judge size...but anyway those are way too small to flower. i personally do not flower anything under about 18 inches and i shoot for 2-3 feet for maximum yields..if you have more light you can go even bigger. I would wait until the last possible second before flowering them if your on some sort of schedule. sounds like your in a hurry to flower outside but then what will you do with the clones you want to take? if your going to flower those indoors i suggest just flowering some of the first round indoors as well only put outside what wont fit inside unless you have a couple more weeks you can veg because as it is those are way too small.. as far as cloning their isnt much to clone off of those. do you know if they are female yet? no reason to clone before they are sexed if you dont have to.....you just need to wait on all counts man..id give it another 2-3 weeks for a total of 8 weeks veg you really should have larger plants by now..they probably need to be repotted now that i think about it...repot them veg 2 more weeks at least and then see where you stand thats my final answer..


Well-Known Member
lol my bad looks like your doing dwc or something i thought those were tiny pots...still would veg a couple more weeks before doing anything else


Active Member
well .Obviously ,the last pix are the ones to judge.others are just showin the 5 week growth..
.ya, usen dwc(5 gallon buckets)..not that small..2x4x5 tent..
the lights were going off at the time of pix ,so only one set of lights were still running(if it looked dark to ya)..I have close to 1000watts..1-400watt mh/hps..and many cfls.i had the lites really close the first 4 weeks and they wernt strecthing..so last week i moved them up about a foot..then they started streching..they are growing over an inch a day..ima wait til next week i guess..like i said, ima have to move


Well-Known Member
ohhhh i thought you meant times short like the grow season is short lol..also my bad i didnt click on every pic i picked like five and they were all close to the same so i thought that was the current size...now that i see the proper size and get what you mean id say they are still a bit small..look at it this way you did alot of work the last five weeks, if you have the choice go another three because that three weeks will double what you would get now so basically you grew for 5 weeks to get a low yield but can exponentially increase it.. after the first part of the life cycle growth is faster so now you get the second half of veg which will cause the plant which has bushed out nice to just blow up in size and yield way better...totally understand if you have to move you have to move, flower em now you should still pull a zip or so a piece and thats a conservative estimate not saying more isnt possible. oh and you can totally find a clone on those also now that i see the recent pics!


Active Member
ya..id love to have them veg for another month if possible..but..i figured if i could get a few clones i could keep them for mothers down the road..and hurry up and flower these girls..ya..i got fem seeds:lol:....i just never cloned before..hope they live.

.i watched the greenhouse vids of these plants and their first week of flowering the plants were 5 feet tall..lol


Well-Known Member
I got a perpetual grow going that relies on a steady stream of clones. 75-80% of my finishing plants (2-3/week)
started life as clones, not seedlings. So I keep good notes on when to clone.

Look at the question from the cuttings' point of view, not the mother plant. Ideally, a clone/cutting should be large
enough that the stem has a hole running through the middle. That usually means the mom is 12 inches plus as she
needs to be large enough herself to generate a cutting with a hole in it. If you time things properly you will be taking
clones from females just about the time they move from veg mode to flower mode. I will take cuttings for clones from moms who have been flowering
for less than a week.

Here is a typical schedule I followed last month as I was germinating and growing out 3 feminized kush beans from Attitude. My goal was to veg the seedlings
long enough so I could take clones/cuttings from each of the 3. I had the 3 in solo cups for 2-3 weeks at first then TP into 1 1/2 gallon pots to finish. When the kushes were 4 1/2 weeks into
vegging I took cuttings from each of the 3 just as the moms went from 20/4 to 12/12.

I grow mostly fast indicas so my times might seem too fast to some.



Active Member
thx BSteve..these girls are even bigger now than the pix(over an inch in 10 hours)..i looked all around these girls and there are plenty stems with LOTS of nodes..all the top fan leaves have 9 leaves all over them..so i figured they may be ready to steal some clones ,but i will wait a few more days..