whatthefuck Jacked by a girl!!?


Well-Known Member
I feel non manly any now.. just woke up.. 10 - 15 minutes ago.. I went to a party at like 10:30 or something, got drunk and out of everyone, people only had like a quarter so it was bunk I only got a few rips It's so hard to find bud where I am right now.. It's so dry. I had half an O of Northern at my apartment that I just picked up today though. So I'm pretty drunk and I see this girl, she was pretty hot or what ever, so we just get talking. Turns out she smokes bud. So I ask her to come to my apartment so we can blaze 'and stuff' So we go in my car drive to my apartment, smoke a few bowls and then she start seducing me (pfft.. I didn't want it!! *cough* *cough* totally seduced..wasn't my fault..) so we start getting it on, I'm sweating like a fuck, totally out of it and then one point it's a total blank like.. I can't remember what happened at all. I must have passed out or something. I wake up my fucking buds gone and my wallets raided, nothing left in it (Only had 100 somethnig..) but I'm fucking pissed. I'm so dumb..

Girls suck, should have stuck with 'Eww get away from me you have cooties!!' Now I'm going to have to go dry for a week or something.. unless I get buds from a random crackpot dealler..


Well-Known Member
No I'm not taking a girl back to my apartment when I have bud..
or hide it better and not blaze them -.-


Well-Known Member
good idea man. make sure you have no money too. that's really fucked up of her to do that. i hope your lesson is learned.


Well-Known Member
whythe fuck do i have to learn things about women the hard way..
fuck that I'm going gay..


Well-Known Member
yeah no shit why can't anything ever be taught the EASY way?
men will steal your buds and money after you fuck them too so im not sure if going gay is a great idea. why have your shit stolen AND have a sore ass?


Well-Known Member
yeah..I'm not going gay, I'm not cool enough.
I'm going to sleep off the semi-hang over .. peaec.


Well-Known Member
Years ago I had a friend that used to live in the same building as me. We become REALLY good friends and one morning she came to my door in tears. She had gone out the night before, gotten drunk and brought a man home to f*ck. Apparently even that was a diappointment.......he got too drunk and couldn't perform. :lol:
ROFL, OMG !!!!!!!! Poor girl...... Cry's cuz she didnt get her gutters clean'd :P :P :P


Well-Known Member
damn she did you dirty...."what can go wrong will go wrong..."

why do men continue to believe all women are saints...

there just as fucked up as us...they just hide it way better...


Well-Known Member
whats this got to do with anything?? take this bickering to the pms and stop hi-jacking, smoke some good dank ,and come to terms...

cant you see the man is hurtinwas robbed for his dank, his DANK folks,
SOME GOOD OL NORTHERN LIGHTS, we should be sympathizing's

id be hurting too if i was played like a ps3 and then got my oz of northern lights stolen plus my 100 beans...


Well-Known Member
ma'am all im saying , whos ever fault it is that irrelevant to me, all i saw was arguing about something that happened in the past, he said she said.
come on...
no dissrespect but that is mild hi-jacking.

awesome conversations could be had

do you see where im coming from.

on this planet where even a butterflys wings can be felt across the earth, everything anyone does can be someone else's business.

just my 6cents , as the chinease man say "please i dont want no trouble..."

i saw your earlier post...
(use a sense of humor here) but do you really think thats enough to ease this poor mans pain... lol

come on folks where losing america, there war out there, police and the gov...
we should be formulating an attack or something...

as the saying goes "lets make love not war"

lets all smile and have a bowl.

"let bygones be bygones"


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
ma'am all im saying , whos ever fault it is that irrelevant to me, all i saw was arguing about something that happened in the past, he said she said.
come on...
no dissrespect but that is mild hi-jacking.

awesome conversations could be had

do you see where im coming from.

on this planet where even a butterflys wings can be felt across the earth, everything anyone does can be someone else's business.

just my 6cents , as the chinease man say "please i dont want no trouble..."

i saw your earlier post...
(use a sense of humor here) but do you really think thats enough to ease this poor mans pain... lol

come on folks where losing america, there war out there, police and the gov...
we should be formulating an attack or something...

as the saying goes "lets make love not war"

lets all smile and have a bowl.

"let bygones be bygones"

I agree here. Don't hyjack a thread for your issues. Take it to pm. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Do you suspect she drugged you?
Date Rape Drugs

It sounds like she drugged you and robbed you.

I bet she gets away with it all the time.

I might consider revenge if I were you. I know it was only $100 and 1/2 oz. of Northern, but she robbed you, Dude. And you can't exactly go to the coppers.

Nothing violent, of course. But revenge can be exacted in a variety of forms. I'm sure we could help you come up with some savory ideas to give this bitch her comeuppance. Plans good enough that if properly executed, you would never get caught.

Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
bummer ... maybe you might have knocked her up and you'll have her knocking at your door one day with baby .. I'd change my locks and hope she dont come back to take everything else


Well-Known Member
no matter what form of piece you get you always gotta pay for it somehow... but bummer for you man... hope it was atleast a good one 4 ya ;)