Whatsup with my leaves?


New Member
Trying to fix problem with ff nutes big bloom and tiger bloom in small doses seems to just keep progressing along the leaves.


Well-Known Member
FF nutes are very strong. Probably too strong for autos. They look nute burned. Things look crowded too. I use Gobox nutes for autos, but just grow/bloom, calmag and bio marine. In FFOF I start 1/2 dose at week 3 as the soil has 3 weeks worth of nutes already.

Chalk it up to a learning experience.


New Member
Well this problem started before nutes. With just water that was PhD for the soil. Only using half tbsp of nutes to gallon anyways. Think the nutes may be making things worse?


Well-Known Member
That could be ya problem .
Ya been ph'ing inflow .
Ya soil will ph automatically by way of buffers that is already ph balanced .
You trying to get things right has made things worse .
Next time read the pakage ya soil came in . It will say ( with added buffers)


New Member
That could be ya problem .
Ya been ph'ing inflow .
Ya soil will ph automatically by way of buffers that is already ph balanced .
You trying to get things right has made things worse .
Next time read the pakage ya soil came in . It will say ( with added buffers)
Thanks dawg!