Whatsup rollitup!!! new member :)


Well-Known Member
Whatsup rollitup!!! :joint: :hump: First, I wanted to thank you all (shoutout to the real pros) for exposing me to an endless amount of knowledge on the beautiful subject of growing cannabis... I finally gave in and signed up. I am about 3 weeks into my first grow and have a few questions/concepts I wanted to ask for myself. As a research junkie, I have done literally over 3 hours of specific research every day for the past 8+ weeks, not to mention my 6 years of "real life experience" and limitless curiousity about the wonderfully unique and versatile plant. This is my very first grow, DWC style. I have a lot of free time and I must say that starting my first grow has been the most fun and fulfilling hobby I have had in years and the best part is, I know I'm not even close to the best part yet!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
20121012_211041.jpg Here's a little info on the setup:
-2 northern berry seeds of unknown gender, germinated by using sterile tweezers to drop the seeds into 1''x1'' rockwool cubes PH'd to 5.5 with RO water, later transplanted into separate black 5 gallon buckets w/ 6 inch net pots full of PH'd hydroton
- 1 90 watt LED light set to a 21/3 timer
- 1 oscillating fan hitting the plants
- 1 HEPA air purifier in between the plants and the fan (to sort of direct the purified air to the plants)
- 1 of the buckets has 1 air pump connected to a micro-pore air stone while the other bucket has a more powerful air pump with 2 lines attached to 2 airstones, only 1 of them being micro-pore
- 1 tiny office fan sucking air out of the room from the top of the doorway in a 5'x5' walk in closet
- 2'x2' three-sided "grow area" in the corner with flat ultra-white anti-fungal paint, only 3 sided so the fans can hit the plants
- AN pH perfect (supposedly) micro-grow-bloom, gradually up to full strength directions on the bottle over a few weeks (until just now. Realizing I should be doing half strength instead. Plants showing symptoms of calcium issues. Checkout my other post)
- GH rapid root enhancer gradually worked up to full strength (Switching to half strength now)
- nutrilife 29% H2O2 that I just started using a few days ago, have added 3 mL a day for the past 3 days due to some slight (hopefully) root issues
- room temperatures ranging from 81-85 degrees with humidity
ranging from 40-50%
- RO water in the buckets