What's Zendesk.com?


Active Member
I have a little java app on Mozilla Firefox browser and it says something about javascripts from third parties; googles services, Zendesk ect.. Is that an issue which will affect the usage of this site of I block third party Javascripts?

Also, I noticed I am having a problem using the space-bar function on final syntax of a post.. I cannot form paragraphs or space-bar more than 1 space.. This does not affect my "text box" from which I am making this post, it only affects the final syntax of the threads.

I can read prior posts without this lack of paragraph function and with a proper syntax of grammar, is this a recent addition to the site regarding new posts? ..or is the issue local on my side?

Thank You.

{edit} something is fishy.. now the paragraph and spacebar function look correct, as posted. Well, disregard the last question. :)


Staff member
depending on what browser you use space bar and paragraph function fluxiates particularly on chrome or IE never had the problem on firefox myself but its possible.

as for the first question, do you have ad blocker? if not. you should get it. that will probably fix your zendesk whatever


Active Member
depending on what browser you use space bar and paragraph function fluxiates particularly on chrome or IE never had the problem on firefox myself but its possible.

as for the first question, do you have ad blocker? if not. you should get it. that will probably fix your zendesk whatever

I have an ad blocker but it's not that, the embedded javascripts are odd.. One is called, "googleleadservices.com" and it opens a ton of other crap like facebook.com javascripts, additional google javascripts, ect, and none are needed to run the website...

As long as rollitup.org, and googleapis.com is enabled, all is well.. Thanks, it seems Google is installing tracking javascripts into some of the functions in this website. I have NoScipt for Mozilla, it allows me to block and allow any of the incoming javascripts, as well as review.

Google talks so much about personal privacy and freedom and yet they use tracking and advertisement javascripts hidden in their software.. total bullshit.

Edit- enabling the GoogleAPIs.com javascript is what allowed me to form proper syntax, spacebar, and paragraphs. (you should read what it is, along with Googleleadservices) Get NoScript for mozilla, see them scripts when they come.
