whats your type of women


Active Member
totally with ya on that ... conflict and confrontation is either welcomed and managed or fought over tooth and nail ... or so it seemed ... I ended up just avoiding it all and hiding which of course worked out very well .... hahahaha! :-P

Fair enough, and I totally understand that. It was just to a degree that supasses that. I mean I dated him for a month and left cuz he drove me nuts! haha I'd ask him what he'd want to do for a day, he never had an answer... Take it from me guys-- if your woman is THAT annoying to the point of running and hiding-- there are woman out there that are easy going and still good in bed lol.

I just wish I could meet a guy that is a real man and can put me in my place when it has to be done-- ya know? ... anyways thankx for your input!


Well-Known Member
many thanks for your reply .... and fair enough for sure. The degrees to which people communicate is always in flux. I learned the hard way, not communicating enough, or certainly not in the right way. But that's not to say there are others out there that truly just don't give a damn and nobuddy nohow is going to change them. Sounds like in ur case, I'd walk. My case? That wasn't me, I believe I was emotionally crushed-controlled ..... so much negative energy .... shitty memories amongst fabulous ones .... but you learn, you grow and then, you Walk On!!~~~
Fair enough, and I totally understand that. It was just to a degree that supasses that. I mean I dated him for a month and left cuz he drove me nuts! haha I'd ask him what he'd want to do for a day, he never had an answer... Take it from me guys-- if your woman is THAT annoying to the point of running and hiding-- there are woman out there that are easy going and still good in bed lol.

I just wish I could meet a guy that is a real man and can put me in my place when it has to be done-- ya know? ... anyways thankx for your input!


Well-Known Member
i like a woman who takes care of herself, is independent, not a bitch, and can drive good. that last part is the hardest to find:lol:

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
lol why drives good you bve robbing banks huh ? hahahaha
I apparently like women who are a complete pain in the ass, because that's what I've found myself attracted to my entire life. J/K

Am I a racist if I only pursue white chicks?

But seriously, I like some innocence so I can do things nobody else has done... I like to corrupt their pure minds, and of course they find this exciting. Irish Catholic girls are the best! LOL


Well-Known Member
she's irish and definately hawt .... don't know 'bout the catholic thing?

I apparently like women who are a complete pain in the ass, because that's what I've found myself attracted to my entire life. J/K

Am I a racist if I only pursue white chicks?

But seriously, I like some innocence so I can do things nobody else has done... I like to corrupt their pure minds, and of course they find this exciting. Irish Catholic girls are the best! LOL


Wow. I'd fucking hate to be Benassi's lady. "Preferably dead or as fucking quiet"? WOW This guy must beat his bitch. Poor thing.
my perfect woman= tall, funny and hazel eyes.