• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What's your theory of life, the Universe and everything...


Well-Known Member
I believe this thread is like a half a joint of the best shit youve ever smoked and you accidently came across it and fired it back up,good work!!!!!But i reread the whole thing and my brain hurtz!!!!!!!!


New Member
My theory, like the men in black how teh cat is wearing a universe on her collar...

I feel the earth could just be a marble to a bunch of giants earthquakes are when they stomp around and shit...fuck im sober right now and its not making any sence...

Now that's weird .... when I was a kid I found a marble and there was a cat inside looking out at me! I know its not the same exact thing you posted but wow, it's pretty close.

Maybe it's all about MARBLES!! OMG, now I see it clearly. 42 MARBLES! Damn Adams was on to it but never lived long enough to figure it out.

Someone tell Obama .. 42 MARBLES dude!!!




Well-Known Member
You wish to know the unknowable. You minx!!

By my nature I stay only in the present tense. I don't dwell on the past (my own, not history), or think about the future much either.

By my own observations which is after all limited to a smart ape, I see that energy is not lost but recycled. I also see that life and death are completely random, although bad decision making and self abuse can certainly hedge your death randomness.

I certainly don't think everything happens for a reason. There is just no evidence to support that. There is no "destiny' mapped out ahead of you. It's a free wheel circus. Some can't handle that and are drawn to religion as comfort. That's fine. It's a choice.

I haven't the foggiest idea what happens upon ones death. Truly I don't and neither does anyone else. Of course this is the question which plagues and permeates us as a species. This is what led you to post this in the first place. Well done by the way, nothing wrong with asking.

I do think we are definitely recycled, but reincarnation is more an indication of our narcissism than reality. The only evidence is that recycling is done and we (the dead) decompose and our atoms disperse and reassemble into something else.

I believe the entire conscience transference and continuation of our spirit is merely (not to demean the complexity of it) an evolutionary trick in our brains so we don't get depressed about the reality that we live on a planet which is set up in an extremely violent way. Everything stays alive by killing something else. This does not seem to be a kind existence for anybody.

Perhaps there are planets out there where entities live on solar energy and killing is UNKNOWN. Of course our planet would come as quite a shock to them.

I could go on but this post is making me depressed. Just kidding!! I've got to go kill something to eat!!


:clap::-P:clap: You have some accurate insights into the nature of reality. Pat yourself on the back!


Well-Known Member
I believe this thread is like a half a joint of the best shit youve ever smoked and you accidently came across it and fired it back up,good work!!!!!But i reread the whole thing and my brain hurtz!!!!!!!!

hhhhmmm, there's nothing tastier than a partialy smoked joint; staring at you from the ash tray, with the resin oozing from the extinguished cherry and that unresistable aroma.:weed:

For this thread to be compared to that is an honour lolz.


Well-Known Member
In order to answer any of these questions we must first understand substance.
'No two or more substances can have the same attribute and it appertains to the nature of substance that it should exist. It must therefore exist finitely or infinitely. But not finitely. For it would then be limited by some other substance of the same nature which also of necessity must exist: and then two substances would be granted having the same attribute, which is absurd. It will exist, therefore, infinitely.'
'A substance cannot be produced from anything else : it will therefore be its own cause, that is, its essence necessarily involves existence, or existence appertains to the nature of it.' (Spinoza, 1673)
Albert Einstein also had a good understanding of humans as an inseparable part of the One, as he writes;
A human being is part of the whole called by us universe ... We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive. (Albert Einstein)

And finally, on a more poetic note:
One grand great life throbs through earth's giant heart,
And mighty waves of single Being roll
From nerve-less germ to man, for we are part
Of every rock and bird and beast and hill,
One with the things that prey on us, and one with what we kill. (Oscar Wilde, Panthea)​


Well-Known Member
those are some serious questions... the way i feel about it is if there was someone who could give the true answer to those questions i would stay the fuck away from them lol

if i had the answers to those questions what would i think about when im stoned?


New Member
Or to flip the analogy, perhaps only when you are stoned can you perceive a glimpse of the true nature of things.

Then the knock on the door from the police snaps you back to "Planet Of The Apes". :lol: :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
I think crackerjax is dead on. Sadly it is depressing. We are just animals on this earth, just so happens we have developed easily understandable (to us) forms of communication, thought, feelings etc- and this has deceived us from seeing that we are just animals. We have found ways to avoid being the weak link, but inevitably we have found ways to kills ourselves be it for survival or out of ill will (another side effect of advanced thought)....

When you die, you just die. The reality is that you dissolve into the earth, just as you came from it. In my opinion there is no "God". It may seem harsh but as crckerjax said, religion is just a byproduct of societal change and honestly- weakness. Strong animals don't need religion to survive, and survival is what life is truly about. A spirituality with earth you come from is much more beneficial to your thoughts and subconcious than to praise an individual in hopes of salvation. Salvation from what? Reality? That the world is not a nice place? that bad things happen for no reason? that war is real even if you don't see it? Animals have fought wars over territory for ages. You don't go roaming though the Serengeti knowing you are in a lion's territorial space, because that territoriality will get you killed if you are not careful- this is understood, but people won't tolerate violence when someone imposes on your territorial space? We are but animals and the world is harsh.

I used to believe in karma, but that would mean you inactively hope for things to happen to balance out. The world simply does not work like this. The natural checks and balances are not karmically fair. Period. Do good everyday and you are just doing good everyday, the ego of everyone else may not let you see that karmic balance of good towards you. Our society just believes that with an immense justice system present that if some gets caught doing bad- thats karma catching up. It's not, its that fact we are intelligent enough to have "eyes" everywhere, and the force to impose it.

So I'm rambling, but had to agree and add some. Basically life is short in perspective. We are all human animals, yet we over analyze and tend to forget basic animal instinct (and have technology to replace it). You will live and you will die, those two things are inevitable. What happens in between is not pre-destined, but determinable by you. You could die tomorrow for no reason and led a life of greatness or evil. The odds only change with your environment.


Well-Known Member
As i was reading youre post usual suspect,I got to thinking[once again] that religion is a high $$$ business.Being raised around catholics mostly i see people sending their tides in 10% or more depends on which level of the hierarchy you are on.$$$,$$$,$$$.I have always been a scientist and it would be stupid to fund something which science has proved to me is a big fake.And when ya walk in the door they hand you an envelope.The next thing ya know we will have to pay to get to the next level like travolta or that moron tom cruise.Thats some stupid shit there.Their religion is based on a story that would not even make a good comic book!!!!:leaf::hug:


New Member
As i was reading youre post usual suspect,I got to thinking[once again] that religion is a high $$$ business.Being raised around catholics mostly i see people sending their tides in 10% or more depends on which level of the hierarchy you are on.$$$,$$$,$$$.I have always been a scientist and it would be stupid to fund something which science has proved to me is a big fake.And when ya walk in the door they hand you an envelope.The next thing ya know we will have to pay to get to the next level like travolta or that moron tom cruise.Thats some stupid shit there.Their religion is based on a story that would not even make a good comic book!!!!:leaf::hug:

And don't forget that FAITH is TAX FREE...... Haminahaminah amen...

out. :blsmoke:

We Love 1

New Member
I believe I'm Your Sun God Amen, and I've come to save the Day!

Check out my signature to learn the secrets!

Jesus is alive! ;-)



New Member
Hey let's all get together on the weekends and practice cannibalistic rituals together, K? But we'll all agree it's right so we don't feel stupid or just plain weird, K? wow :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

We Love 1

New Member
Hey let's all get together on the weekends and practice cannibalistic rituals together.

out. :blsmoke:
I'm game!

I like to smoke!

"cannibalistic rituals" :lol: HAHA

Didnt you know? We is jesus! :roll:
Do You really believe? Because I just want everyone to know that I'm not trying to mislead the world, its just how God Almighty planned it.

If You read the The Bible about "The Parable of the Sower" in Matthew (the first chapter of The New Testament) it says "But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop, some a 100, some 60, and some 30. He who has ears to hear, let him hear" 63

Now if You read the same parable about the Sower in Mark (the second chapter of The New Testament) it says "But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced, some 30, some 60, and some 100. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! " 36

The first time I tried to grow Herb was when I was in Jr high @ 63 pine st. My dad pulled My Herb plants out of the garden before they began to bud!

The second time I grew Herb was in My house that I bought (so that I could pay off My IRS taxes) and it was 36 Aroostook av! I harvested!

Do You see how the numbers fit together? I tell You, God has plans. I saw Him in the clouds, I swear to You! Why would I lie?
