Your BP is not all that high and will fluctuate thru-out the day. How old are you, are you taking any meds or supplements and do you get any exercise? If you get up in the morning, sit quietly without smoking any pot for 5 minutes, is your BP still higher? If you do this at various times during the day (without pot) what are the results? Many things can influence your BP. You can't assume that a reduction/increase in your BP is a result of cannabis. What does your PCP say about your BP?
"The associations between blood pressure and cannabis use remain inconsistent."
"One of the most consistent effects of cannabis smoking on heart is 20% to 100% increase in HR which can last up to 2–3 hours, often accompanied by a slight increase in supine blood pressure"
The growing popularity of medical and recreational consumption of cannabis, especially among the youth, raises immediate concerns regarding its safety and long-terms effects. The cardiovascular effects of cannabis are not well known. Cannabis ...
"A modest association between recent cannabis use and systolic blood pressure was detected among a relatively large nationally representative sample of US adults. Although we detected a positive statistical association between recently active cannabis use and systolic blood pressure, the clinical significance of our findings is not clear."
Pre-clinical studies have reported acute cardiovascular effects of cannabis including a dose-dependent increase in blood pressure while orthostatic hypotension may follow as a result of decreased vascular resistance. In case reports, evidence links ...
The acute effects of cannabis and THC consumption on blood pressure are more variable, with potential implications for perfusion during exercise. Investigators have reported increases in systolic and diastolic pressure [41, 42, 53, 59, 61, 64, 65, 76,77,78, 83], reductions in blood pressure [60, 63], or no changes in blood pressure [43, 58, 59, 62, 63, 73,74,75, 81, 88,89,90] [each of those numbers represents a scientific paper or study! bb]
just about every paper ends with "further research is required"