What's your "go to" rolling papers?


Well-Known Member
Used to always be J0B 1.5 thins but switched to RAW Hemp unbleached about 2 years ago been using the wide tips as well. I don't do much switching since I usually buy 32 packs at a time.


Well-Known Member
I rarely roll at all these days, pretty much wastes a lot of smoke, so almost all bong hits. When I did roll it was the orange package of Zig Zags that were longer than the standard papers


Well-Known Member
The most famous magazine about cannabis in Israel (The country who it's doctor firstly found the THC (Dr. Meshulam)) called "Cannabis Magazine" did research about it and found the glass tips soaks 60% less active ingredients like THC and CBD.
you can read the research here
And we can just get them through you....


Well-Known Member
I can't stand the paper-thin...You guys can have your Zig Zags and Raw Papers..lol

I'm a Bouji Smoker...lol

Twisted Hemp or Palm Leaves...ONLY! (Tendu Eh! in the picture...Awful taste)

3 Manual Rollers (4 if you count my Blunt Roller for Parties ...ROLLS 8-10gs)
Hornet Pre-rolled Tips

Then I have my electric roller for my Palm Leave or Tendu Rolls..Nice Filters


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I dont roll much nowadays but when i did (70s), i liked the export papers. They were tough. If you forgot about a joint in your pocket, you could straighten it out and fire it up. All the super thin papers are too fragile for me. Sometimes the weed just pokes through when you roll.