What's your favourite position?

I'm sure it has been mentioned on the previous pages but just want to express my disappointment about reading "sleeping" after the thread title.

On-topic: I don't have one favorite position, depends on the tree I guess:

[QUOTEtheexpress, post: 10734151, member: 233471"]yea me to u guys need to stop hoggin da blankets on me... an get a bigger bed im 6-2 210 this twin bed aint big nuff for all 3 of us also would it kill ur wife to shave her legs now an then... ps ur outta toilette paper
She usually doesn't go for smaller men I'm 6' 4" and 250 lbs and actually the hairy legs are for me not you ![/QUOTE]
yea yea yea an if id lied an said i was 6-8 290 ud said ur 7-3 360 lol weres da tp i gotta shit...
I believe everyone should spend a year of their life sleeping on the floor, perhaps a pennance for something, but it does correct many many skeletal and muscular issues, just remove the local dust first, as it can lead to loud snoring ...lol