I sleep standing up
I hate white noise when I sleep, Must have total silence, or rain
it has hasnt it...its pouring here nowSo not fair....my summer has been all rain....hope ur bum burns....lol ♡ so he can puts the lotion on it....
hows my fav creep doing lolMy stomach right now, because I have sunburn blisters!
This thread title makes me want to see lady naked... PM those pics girl...
I hate white noise when I sleep, Must have total silence, or rain
Better than ever.hows my fav creep doing lol
yea me to u guys need to stop hoggin da blankets on me... an get a bigger bed im 6-2 210 this twin bed aint big nuff for all 3 of us also would it kill ur wife to shave her legs now an then... ps ur outta toilette paperOn my right side with my left hand between the wifes breasts
Spooning.........thats my sleeping pill.....!