What's your favourite position?


Well-Known Member
I've been very active recently and have stretched myself into all sorts of positions. My back hurts a little and there's a couple of moves I've gotta stop doing, at least for now.

I'm going to bed in a minute and just wanted to ask :-

What's your favourite sleeping position? I usually go to sleep on my side and wake up on my face?!?


Well-Known Member
Lol! I was in Ikea today looking at visoelastic beds. So this time my mind isn't in the gutter.

Unless you wanna hear about the stretching! ;)


Well-Known Member
so @lahadaextranjera i just went apartment shopping and i really like this one place just due to the area/people in the building are old...and i came home and realized.......it doesnt have any closets....how the hell did i miss that hhahaha
Good still be good. I'd rather just buy some new wardrobes and have tranquil neighbors than an amazing flat with 'those' crazy neighbors. 6 of one and .... :)


Staff member
It's a seriously awkward layout too like a really old house seriously weird layout there's a fire escape out the bathroom window lol
I may not get it though so who knows gunna shop around not much here for 600 a month in a good area that allows a dog though


Well-Known Member
I'll one up you sir and say I sleep on my side ass towards my wife in a different bed/room!
The only reason I clicked this post was I thought it contained sexual content!
Op good luck with your back, mines killing me too.
I don't blame you. Im a bit of a weirdo like that and have had my own bedroom since my early 20's. I'd stay in his room or he could stay in mine. Then when I moved to Spain (new bf) I continued on the sofa bed, for years. My bf now and I have a place each. Crazy! We have been looking for a place and guess what? Multiple bedrooms!


Well-Known Member
I've been very active recently and have stretched myself into all sorts of positions. My back hurts a little and there's a couple of moves I've gotta stop doing, at least for now.

I'm going to bed in a minute and just wanted to ask :-

What's your favourite sleeping position? I usually go to sleep on my side and wake up on my face?!?
I'll one up you sir and say I sleep on my side ass towards my wife in a different bed/room!
The only reason I clicked this post was I thought it contained sexual content!
Op good luck with your back, mines killing me too.

You kids need a Tempurpedic. I don't mean some cheap "memory foam" shit; a real Tempurpedic will change your life. Hear me now believe me later.

PS DBKICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus, negro, I hope all is well for you. Good to see you.
