What's your Favorite substrate for Cuttings?


Well-Known Member

I like to try Rockwool tubes I here great thinks that this is the best for Cuttings but also lot of Pepole love Rapid Rooter too.

What's your opinion?
Ez Cloner.

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I use 8oz plastic beer cups as a resevoir. get 2 x 6 ounce cups(usually sell them right beside the other beer cups), put a small drain hole in the bottom of 1, fill it with Black Gold seed starter. Put the other left over 6oz cup on top so it acts like a dome. Using this method normally my clones will droop a little in the first couple hours, and then will be standing up over night, which normally signals success for me.
Ez Cloner.

Or ,
I use 8oz plastic beer cups as a resevoir. get 2 x 6 ounce cups(usually sell them right beside the other beer cups), put a small drain hole in the bottom of 1, fill it with Black Gold seed starter. Put the other left over 6oz cup on top so it acts like a dome. Using this method normally my clones will droop a little in the first couple hours, and then will be standing up over night, which normally signals success for me.
Have always been a fan of oasis , stimroot and water has always worked .

I also made a 5 gallon cloner that I would love to try spraying pool shock at them .

From what I see , now that’s something.

Roots coming on like crazy from pre-formed calcified ends.
With a healthy mom it all works,Ive been using RW cubes only because I found a large bag of them on my local buy and sell for pennies.When those run out I'll just use my soil or whatever I can find cheap.Even a glass of tap water works if your patient.
Right straight into the Promix HP. No hormone or anything. Never lost one. Heat and humidity have to be kept up..... can't stress that enough.