What’s your favorite nutrient line?

Another Hawthorne owned company. Are you a Hagedorn shill or what?

You're thinking of Mother Earth.

And if you're going to make a post you should check to make sure that what you're posting is accurate.

Down To Earth™ began in Eugene, Oregon, in 1977 in response to the growing segment of American consumers who were looking for alternatives to plastic and synthetic materials.

Do you understand the fall out effects of supporting a company like Hawthorne?

These wankers will supply Walmart with cheaper bulk hydroponics and the local stores won't be able to compete. Then you lose market diversity which drives innovation and supports local economies.

I'm not concerned with a majority of these so called local shops that are shipping product worldwide. And I bet if you go to your local shop they'll be selling GH, Botanicare, and other products from the Big Bad Wolf. Why are you not ranting about those local shops that carry all these products that you find so abhorrent? They sell them because they make a profit. They could care less about some inconsequential distant tie they might have with the Bayer company.

As far as market diversity, if you're talking about all the overpriced bottled water companies targeting cannabis growers they are not needed. A different label, different name, ingredients all from the same factories owned by big ag.

You sound like the guy that just hates a company like Bayer/Monsanto because you think they're damaging the planet. And you might be right. But at the same time do you drive a car and use gasoline? Turn on lights in your house? If you do any of those things then your paying companies that are damaging the planet for their products.
You're thinking of Mother Earth.

And if you're going to make a post you should check to make sure that what you're posting is accurate.

Down To Earth™ began in Eugene, Oregon, in 1977 in response to the growing segment of American consumers who were looking for alternatives to plastic and synthetic materials.

I'm not concerned with a majority of these so called local shops that are shipping product worldwide. And I bet if you go to your local shop they'll be selling GH, Botanicare, and other products from the Big Bad Wolf. Why are you not ranting about those local shops that carry all these products that you find so abhorrent? They sell them because they make a profit. They could care less about some inconsequential distant tie they might have with the Bayer company.

As far as market diversity, if you're talking about all the overpriced bottled water companies targeting cannabis growers they are not needed. A different label, different name, ingredients all from the same factories owned by big ag.

You sound like the guy that just hates a company like Bayer/Monsanto because you think they're damaging the planet. And you might be right. But at the same time do you drive a car and use gasoline? Turn on lights in your house? If you do any of those things then your paying companies that are damaging the planet for their products.
I hate Bayer/Monsanto. I do drive a car, but the most recent car I bought was electric. My power company gets most of it's electricity from the solar grid. I'm not perfect, but I try. Every bit helps.
I hate Bayer/Monsanto. I do drive a car, but the most recent car I bought was electric. My power company gets most of it's electricity from the solar grid. I'm not perfect, but I try. Every bit helps.
Scary are the miles of Monsuko test fields in S Mi and N IN. And some tales I can't tell painting their things.
Look into Down To Earth.

They make organic liquid and dry blends.

I know people using just Alaska Fish that are growing trees. The problem with many of these organic bottled nutrients out there is they split everything up forcing you to buy a bunch of different bottles to get everything you need just like most other nutrient companies.
Thanks, after a quick look over it ridiculous trying to find exactly the needed nuts? Like putting a dam puzzle together. Still confused....