What’s your favorite glass site?

To each there own but the prices from the vendor posted here are really high. Personally I'm all about mass produced reasonable priced glass. Typical my focus is on glass thickness, I have a cat so the chance of surviving a fall matters.
We have both very cool and special bongs (higher prices) and mass-produced, reasonably-priced pieces perfect for heavy daily use :bigjoint:
I can definitely relate to your cat issue. Have you ever thought about storing your bongs that you don't use in protective bong bags/cases?
I purchase my glass from Roor.de now. They offer great customization options for well-built devices. Their official Instagram account (@roor.germany) offers even more glass with crazy artwork.

The prices are pretty expensive, but, since I have a good income, I'm willing to spend the money for their work.
I purchase my glass from Roor.de now. They offer great customization options for well-built devices. Their official Instagram account (@roor.germany) offers even more glass with crazy artwork.

The prices are pretty expensive, but, since I have a good income, I'm willing to spend the money for their work.
If I’m spending that kind of money on glass ( and I do) I want something with soul. Artists like Bob Snodgrass, Jerome Baker, Jerry Kelly come to mind I’m not knocking Roor, they are obviously quality pieces but they don’t have that unique one of a kind feel blown and fumed glass has. TLDR. I prefer old school glass lol
If I’m spending that kind of money on glass ( and I do) I want something with soul. Artists like Bob Snodgrass, Jerome Baker, Jerry Kelly come to mind I’m not knocking Roor, they are obviously quality pieces but they don’t have that unique one of a kind feel blown and fumed glass has. TLDR. I prefer old school glass lol
I don't really need a lot of flair and colors. My style is more utilitarian.

I like how easy it is to maintain a Roor tube, and the designs are often very practical. As much as I find color changing glass cool to look at, I'm not the kind of person to let resin collect long enough to appreciate the effect.
I don't really need a lot of flair and colors. My style is more utilitarian.

I like how easy it is to maintain a Roor tube, and the designs are often very practical. As much as I find color changing glass cool to look at, I'm not the kind of person to let resin collect long enough to appreciate the effect.
Fair enough, It’s all subjective and to the users taste.
Times are tough and we couldn’t swing another heady bong this year. Yes, I unfortunately break at least one bong a year. So I had to dip into dhgate. I feel flustered not supporting a local artist. At the same time, I got my order in under 5 days. A 20” bong with 2 percs, pretty thick for the low price of $50 after tax.

man I really wanted one of those vitaeglass bongs but it’s just hard to spend that much.

I hope the children got paid decent to make my bong.