What's your dream car?

speaking of dreaming, a 90s RX7 has been one on my mind for a long time, so much so ive literally dreamt about them. i blame the first Fast and the Furious movie. Shes a complicated beast but ive always wanted to make the poor financial decision of buying a rotary engine car.

that Mugen wing is pretty sexy too

I'm from Tokyo. There is a highway that circles the city and branches out like a spider web into the suburbs, you can pay $7 and just go around a giant circle if you want all night long though. We get all these cars all night long. Usually with lots of neon. And my favorites, the drifters......who without fail.....crash every weekend.
I'm from Tokyo. There is a highway that circles the city and branches out like a spider web into the suburbs, you can pay $7 and just go around a giant circle if you want all night long though. We get all these cars all night long. Usually with lots of neon. And my favorites, the drifters......who without fail.....crash every weekend.
Thats cool as hell. You have no idea how bad i want to go there. I just bought the first 2 seasons of Initial D lol. Im a fanboy dork for a very short list of things in life and automobiles of any kind is one of them.
I'm from Tokyo. There is a highway that circles the city and branches out like a spider web into the suburbs, you can pay $7 and just go around a giant circle if you want all night long though. We get all these cars all night long. Usually with lots of neon. And my favorites, the drifters......who without fail.....crash every weekend.

I need to go party in Tokyo. They cool with me bringing a grill to this giant circle? I get hungry when I drink :lol: