What's your best foliar spray recipes


Well-Known Member
Hi guys tittle says it all really What's your best foliar spray recipes ?
I'm looking for ingredient information and recommend usage thanks in advance. MrGreen
foliars are nice but in no way shape or form are they a substitute for a good soil mix, many nutrients aren't absorbed through the leaves.
for me, I don't foliar for nutrient reasons, more so for the simple reason of washing the leaves/killing pm before it starts
But silica and aloe are good foliars, but I don't really use nutrients that way.
foliars are nice but in no way shape or form are they a substitute for a good soil mix, many nutrients aren't absorbed through the leaves.
for me, I don't foliar for nutrient reasons, more so for the simple reason of washing the leaves/killing pm before it starts
But silica and aloe are good foliars, but I don't really use nutrients that way.

Thanks for the reply man I also use canna liquid ferts but was looking for a decent foliar spray high in nitrogen for recovering plants and generally just to keep them that bit greener throught the grow when and if needed thanks
You can make a nitrogen rich compost tea and use it as a foliar spray. That should give you what you're looking for. I'm like greasemonkeyman, I only foliar spray with aloe water. I'm going to look into the silica now that I know it can be used as a foliar spray.
Thanks man thats the kind of thing im looking for have you got any recommendations for makeing a batch and also whats the benefit of spraying with aloe ive seen a few people useing it now.
You can add bat or sea bird quanos high in nitrogen or blood meal would work too. I'd add about 1/2 cup of amendment per gallon of water. The aloe plant has alot of goodies in it which benefit the roots and the leaves. I know there's an acid in it that's good but I'm medicated right now so I'll have to grab my book and read up on the other properties and get back to you.
You can add bat or sea bird quanos high in nitrogen or blood meal would work too. I'd add about 1/2 cup of amendment per gallon of water. The aloe plant has alot of goodies in it which benefit the roots and the leaves. I know there's an acid in it that's good but I'm medicated right now so I'll have to grab my book and read up on the other properties and get back to you.

Ok cool I'll take a quick look on google and see what other info I can find thanks for your help and advice on the matter I'll also look into an aloe foliar spray now that you've Mentioned it :peace:
You can add bat or sea bird quanos high in nitrogen or blood meal would work too. I'd add about 1/2 cup of amendment per gallon of water. The aloe plant has alot of goodies in it which benefit the roots and the leaves. I know there's an acid in it that's good but I'm medicated right now so I'll have to grab my book and read up on the other properties and get back to you.

Joe shoot me a msg about aloe and which type,amount u use per gallon Thank uou
I have three aloe plants. When I feed the soil, I use about a one inch piece of leaf squeezed into a gallon of water. When I foliar, I use a two inch piece. I also drop the piece of leaf into the water and leave it until all the water has been used. Then I throw the leaf in the worm bin. They seem to enjoy em.

I have three aloe plants. When I feed the soil, I use about a one inch piece of leaf squeezed into a gallon of water. When I foliar, I use a two inch piece. I also drop the piece of leaf into the water and leave it until all the water has been used. Then I throw the leaf in the worm bin. They seem to enjoy em.

Thanks I'll be trying this out one day this week :peace:
Hi guys tittle says it all really What's your best foliar spray recipes ?
I'm looking for ingredient information and recommend usage thanks in advance. MrGreen
First why do accept the mark of the beast? Second... I like to use Dr Bronners Peppermint Hemp soap, Dr Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe Vera Powder, and some random Rich Earth Liquid Fulvic/Humic Acid...

And The Reason I use this, which I didn't think you were trying replace your nutrients I didn't see that in your post, but I use a Spray to kill off Pests and keep them at bay. Specifically Spider Mites.

If you are growing you Must Spray in my opinion. I Always had bad harvests and shitty leaves and The Real reason is because I wasn't Spraying like I should. Think about Rain... It's doing the same thing.
foliars are nice but in no way shape or form are they a substitute for a good soil mix, many nutrients aren't absorbed through the leaves.
for me, I don't foliar for nutrient reasons, more so for the simple reason of washing the leaves/killing pm before it starts
But silica and aloe are good foliars, but I don't really use nutrients that way.
It might not have anything to do with foliar spraying, but I usually do it sometime before the lights go on(or after they turn off even) and I dont get burned from the light, but some plants just dont respond well to it idk?

Just aloe/protekt
First why do accept the mark of the beast? Second... I like to use Dr Bronners Peppermint Hemp soap, Dr Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe Vera Powder, and some random Rich Earth Liquid Fulvic/Humic Acid...

And The Reason I use this, which I didn't think you were trying replace your nutrients I didn't see that in your post, but I use a Spray to kill off Pests and keep them at bay. Specifically Spider Mites.

If you are growing you Must Spray in my opinion. I Always had bad harvests and shitty leaves and The Real reason is because I wasn't Spraying like I should. Think about Rain... It's doing the same thing.

Do you ever use pure water? How about pure water for cleaning leaves after foliar spraying?
It might not have anything to do with foliar spraying, but I usually do it sometime before the lights go on(or after they turn off even) and I dont get burned from the light, but some plants just dont respond well to it idk?

Just aloe/protekt
yup, aloe and protect.
good shit.
I also do soil drenches with the same ingredients.
Only thing I have in bottles are BSM and protect.
Thanks for the reply man I also use canna liquid ferts but was looking for a decent foliar spray high in nitrogen for recovering plants and generally just to keep them that bit greener throught the grow when and if needed thanks
a top dress of guano is a great nitrogen input, so is bloodmeal, seabird guano...
Probably the best is fish hydrosylate tea, it's REALLY good for a nitrogen shot
cool thing about nitrogen is it's availability isn't predicated on microbes to break it down or specific ph
a topdress of almost any nitrogen amendment will be readily absorbed.
I'd use fish hydrosylate first, second choice would be fish meal, third would be guano, fourth bloodmeal.
alfalfa can be used but takes longer to breakdown.
worm castings would be perfect but that only works if it's a super slight nitrogen def.
Foliars I use - Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil, OHN [my own recipe.], AACT Diluted. and Coconut Water / Aloe Diluted

I rotate them around and end up spraying 4-8 times a week. The plants seem to love it.

If you're interested in any I'll happily give you the recipe. I do not use KNF's exact formula for OHN, but the resulting mixture is something the plants seem to like a lot more -- I've used both. Some nerds got furious with me over this yesterday. That's why i'm explicitly stating.

My instagram is - www.instagram.com/conal.growth for grow pictures.

Much love.
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Foliars I use - Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil, OHN [my own recipe.], AACT Diluted. and Coconut Water / Aloe Diluted

I rotate them around and end up spraying 4-8 times a week. The plants seem to love it.

If you're interested in any I'll happily give you the recipe. I do not use KNF's exact formula for OHN, but the resulting mixture is something the plants seem to like a lot more -- I've used both. Some nerds got furious with me over this yesterday. That's why i'm explicitly stating.

My instagram is - www.instagram.com/conal.growth for grow pictures.

Much love.
Yeah man, that OHN is similar to what I'm making and using, how often do you use that? mines also my own recipe

I also make the FPE, FFJ, Cal/Phos, lacto, fish hydro, check my thread out, I've just posted a few pictures of some new ferments I'm doing
I use the OHN on my vegging plants everyday in the morning -- and ~3-4 times a week on my flowering plants. I cant get enough of the stuff. When I spray it on my flowering, I bring an extra fan I have in my grow room over to the tent to help dry it out. I spray in a light mist, not drench or soak.

For my OHN I leave the cinnamon out. I use ginger + garlic and ferment for less time. [I'm in California where the ambient temperature is pretty high though.]