What's your Ancestry?

What is it about America?People stick
to one ethnic race for hundreds of years
then as soon as they hit US soil its a
suck and fuck fest! "Im gonna have a
three way with a Chinese laundry worker
and an Irish barmaid!"lol...
What is it about America?People stick
to one ethnic race for hundreds of years
then as soon as they hit US soil its a
suck and fuck fest! "Im gonna have a
three way with a Chinese laundry worker
and an Irish barmaid!"lol...
if you are in baskin robbins I doubt you want the same kind of iced cream as you already have in your freezer at home.
My dad was adopted and was never able to gather ANY information about his biological parents, so I actually only know the 50% from my moms side which is apparently English and German. If I would have to guess I would say my dad, brother and sister look Irish.
italian, mexican, irish, scottish, dutch, french, polish, german, some native american and i think thats it but i have a huge family tree so who know for sure lol
Not that I know of

Would you like some?

Sorry, couldnt resist. <3


Praesto, Denmark is where the family is from and the majority still live. Lots of fishermen in clan.

Grave markers back to the 1600's.

With my love of water and wreaking havoc I dug a lil' further back and found some really bad characters
in the ol' family tree.

And you know what they say about the apple falling not to far from the tree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


kinda missing Madds.

My family has actually traced our heritage to Sparta(Greece) and Ireland, so I think its a good combo
Irish Italian/Cherokee. Weird mix of people my family have always been strippers and D's. I guess I come from dousche bags and whores lol
My grandma was really into genealogy, and when she died I inherited her boxes full of research. I have a fairly detailed family tree on her side going back to the 1500s. Lots of interesting anecdotes about many of the ancestors (especially the English family, who came to America in 1632).

English, German, Italian, Swedish, French, Scottish, Mexican, Cherokee.
Micmac, Irish,French,English

So i have a bit of a temper lol

I've also recently aquired a detailed history book my family had made, family pics and stories going back to whenever they put pics on metal plates, we think late 1700 or early 1800's??? Either way it's pretty neat to see pics of family i'll never know and also see how the small town they lived in has evolved.
Czechoslavakian, French, Cherokee......habahabahabahaba......<----stereotypical indian slappin mouth thing

Great Grandpa came over in early 1900's so Im still knind of a newbie LOL