What's your Ancestry?


Active Member
mixed euro (French/Swiss&Scottish) mutt with a bit of native blood from the fur trapping days. I'm glad my mom's side of the family is tall, otherwise I'd be a short stocky dude with a gutfor as in "hey whattareya lookinatma gutfor" and a beak of a nose. thanks mommy!

EDIT: also known as the great North American mutt


Well-Known Member
straight up portuguese on my dads side and swede, czech and polish on my moms side. my wife's mother is mexican and her dad is spanish. our kids are heinz 57


Well-Known Member
2/3 Irish, 1/16 frog, 1/16 heeb, 1/16 Cherokee and not real good with fractions, but 2/3rds Irish part is accurate cuz my family tree doesn't "Y" normally. :)

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Native American

I've been told I was French also, but I'm not sure about that based on the genealogy that I've done.

Father's family settled in the Arkansas area in the mid 1700's (pre-revolution). They were English (names like William, Charles, etc) and they blended in with the Native inhabitants there already. After the Civil War they moved west to Texas until the Great Depression pushed us into the Fresno area of Central California.

Mother's family immigrated from the UK to Canada during the late 1800's. They are the English-Scots (Goodwins) and hold traditional to the old ways (tea time, "warsh your clothes," "Don't fall in the crik or you'll get your shoes wet.")

Given both my families status in the UK, we have probably been nobility for a very long time, and I likely have some Germanic and Roman roots as well further back.

Interesting to think that somewhere, 2,000 years ago, my ancestors were likely to have been waging war and that the arrow which narrowly missed his heart could have ended my entire family line. Crazy.


Well-Known Member
the Irish majority of my blood originates in County Cork. My Great Great Grandfather was run out of Ireland by the fucking crown for being a revolutionary. some deal called Sinn Fein or something... :)


New Member
Well, for the first 2/3 of my life I thought I was Cherokee/Irish/English, but that went out the window when I found out I was adopted. What I've been able to find out so far is that I am Slovenian/Nez Perce/Scottish/English on my mother's side.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Cork is a very interesting place. It's like, beautiful in some ways, and terrifying in others.

A good friend of mine when I was in school was named Alexander Shehab. I always pronounced it "she-habb" when it's actually "Sh-eh-ab."

It turns out that his Great-Grandfather was the ruler/leader of Lebanon. They were exiled and my buddy Alex was the "rightful" heir to the throne. Kinda funny, sitting around playing mariokart, with a prince of Lebanon.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
italian, irish, and french. turns out that my french canadian ancestors were mostly irish immigrants, so i'm barely french. and supposedly i have some sort of native american in me but i've never seen any proof. i think it's just something my family says to sound cool. ha. i think it's way cooler that my grandfather was an italian mobster. at least that i can prove.