whats wrong??

ok i have had my plants growing for about 2 weeks now and all they are doing is getting taller and not growign out anymore sets of leaves is there somthing special tht u have to do to get them to start growing other sets of leaves?


Well-Known Member
their is nothing special to do to make it grow leaves. If you give a detailed description of your grow set up someone may be able to give you suggestions on what you can improve on.


Well-Known Member
without seeing any photos or having basic information I would say your lights are either insufficient or too far away from your grow. The plants are spending their energy in an attempt to have satisfactory light and spending minimal time growing fan leaves for photosynthesis. After all, what's the point of producting photosynthesizing leaves if there is no sun to work with?


Active Member
Tie the top down.. bend it gently for about a week.. it will cause it to branch out.. The more you bend (gently) the more it branches out..
Also your lights might be too far away


Well-Known Member
I would say that your plants are getting taller due to streching from your lights being to far away, either that or just plain old bad genetics that you cant do anything about.