What's wrong??


So I've been doing some looking and it looks like its down to lack of oxygen to the roots, down to the soil being to wet. I have no idea how to combat this problem and it's down to the rain and me having to feed them. What can I do to help get the soil dryer??


Well-Known Member
dont feed them as much, youll be surprised how well they will do with very little nutes, at least youll get bud off it rather than a dead plant ;)


How can i stop the rain?? I cant. So i could do with knowing how to protect the soil from the rain as its supposed to be a mixed bag of rain and sun for the next week but the moisture in the soil is going to start to kill my plants. I have no idea what to do.
why don't you just bring them inside near a window if possible for a day or 2 to let the soil dry out a bit. Or is there no way you can cover them outside and water manually. Or just bring them in when it starts to rain


If i could i would bring them inside but have no chance of that!! Im getting so pissed off its untrue, cause as i say there is more rain on the way.
I feel your pain bro! Only other thing i can think of is covering your pots with some modified tupperware lids or similar. Or even easier, tape some plastic over them with the plant coming up through the middle. It's not gonna keep all the rain off but i think it's your best shot. Put them on raised platforms too so that they cant collect water from the ground. Failing that.. use the force to stop the rain!


Well-Known Member
So I've been doing some looking and it looks like its down to lack of oxygen to the roots, down to the soil being to wet. I have no idea how to combat this problem and it's down to the rain and me having to feed them. What can I do to help get the soil dryer??
Drill the living hell out of the bottoms of your planters. Anywhere near the bottom. Lots of holes. Use a battery-powered drill and you can even do it in the rain.