Whats wrong? zinc deficiency?


Well-Known Member
definitely nute burn...most likely from the soil ur using... when u flush use water with diluted molasses, the carbohydrates will help the plant recover from stress quicker..


Well-Known Member
btw that is very light nute burn, so dont go crazy with the flushing... just give enough water for a tiny bit of a stream to come out the bottom, when the water turns clearish (it will be a little brown from the molasses) than stop..


Well-Known Member
that is a good point, most people dont realize cannabis needs a long dry cycle so the roots can breathe...

the best thing to do is to constantly lift the pots everyday, paying espically close attention to the weight right after u water and right before u water... u will eventually get the feel for it, and you can tell exactly when to water judging on the weight.


Active Member
the plant in the first pic is 25 days from breaking ground, and the one in pic 2 is 37 days.

& i thought i was going to be leaving on a trip so i gave it a bit of an extra heavy feeding of compost tea yesterday, but i noticed the leaves browning. So i should flush right?


Well-Known Member
yes flush with molasses... the added carbohydrate will help the plant recover quicker from the stress. just one teaspoon diluted into a gallon of water is fine. also since your roots are well devoloped they are looking for oxygen. the lower the temperature of the water the higher level of dissolved oxygen, this is why many hydro growers use water chillers to keep their water nice and cold. even though u are growing in soil, your plants will still benefit from more oxygen dense water. try to get ur water temp to about 58-60 degrees, than shake the hell out of it. the more u agitate the water the higher the levels of oxygen will be...

here is my routine when im watering my plants (or flushing them), i run my tap water through some thick coir fiber. the coir acts as a filter and absorbs a lot of excess calcium (excess calcium can cause nute lock), i let the water sit for 24 hours to disappate the chlorine. i'll put in a teaspoon or two of molasses, stir it untill its completely disappated into the water. after that i add a few ice cubes, just enough to bring the water temperature down to 58 degrees, than i drop in an air stone and let the solution get nice and oxygenated. when the ice cubes have finished melting i check the water temperature, to make sure its chilly but not freezing cold.

some people might think this is excessive but ive had great results using this method... also i should note this method is only for plants that have a well established root system, never use cold water on clones or plants that arent fully devolped, it will put them into shock.