whats wrong with this plant?!


Active Member
It doesn't look like you topped your plant... atleast not directly above the damaged area? What did you do when you say you FIM'd it?


Well-Known Member
I would double and triple check the ph and runoff..

Also try to give more info so we can help.. Soil, do you test your ph, nutes, how long have they been vegging.. etc.. They look like they could be root bound if that pot is barely full of soil and you've been growing this for a while.. Just a thought.


its 1 week into flowering i only veg'd for almost 2 weeks, its under about 720 actual watts of cfl with 4 other plants
i really think its gettin root bound im gonna transplant it soon

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
then theres the answer...no ph and mg for foods with real foods mixed. like i said before...its the ph needs food. and dont transplant in flower time. no recomended. good way to cause hermies from stress.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
is that flowering time? stress is strwess and right now is the worst time to stress them. it dont need it. fix the ph and leave it where it is.
what is the soil??...mg as well. more ph isuses if so.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Looks like a combination of pH damage to the system and root rot.

I hate to say it but that plant might be frak'd. Figure out your pH and do some research before you try this again.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
root rot?...how you see the roots. i cant.? and not likely in soil. more in hydro that happens

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
read what i said...i said not likly. i didnt say impossible. i think id win a lottery before getting root rot in soil. pretty dam hard and needs to be flooded big time to get it. his isnt.
leaves arent a sign of root rot. this would be way sicker if ti was rot.