What's wrong with this plant Please Help did not get answer last time!!

Whoa, what is the medium? What nutrients are you running? Lighting? Ppm? Theres way more to answer before you buy some shit only to realize you havent been feeing right. Do you own a ppm meter or are you going by bottle directions?
The medium is happy frog with some amendments added I have not fed them yet they have been in the soil for only a couple weeks now I am going to run guano tea for veg and roots organics for flower I have never used a PPM meter never needed one and I have had 4 successful grows so far I do organics
Oh ya? So ed saw this guys plants? Just cause its written in a book doesnt mean it pertains to this plant bookworm. Pfffff, spray it with this cause ed says this might be the problem. Fail plant killer. Ask the guy what the growing envioronment is doing and you might get a better idea of how to correct a problem. And do you really think that this guy has a foliar spray optimal for his problem right on hand? Do you have eds spray?...and how many foliar spray tragedy threads have you seen posted....a milion?
Plant killer.
Ive been curing plant problems on this site for longer than you knew it existed :lol:
Did you read the part in his post where he said he amended his soil....and hasnt fed it anything yet? Ya like after you already told him what the problem was without knowing what he ammended with? Or what lights hes using, or any info?
So where do you buy this iron spray you speak of ed jr.?
As far i have to say that guy alienwidow is a total slag. Your plant seems to have Iron deficiency accompanied with Magnesium deficiency. Check it out yourself here : http://www.growweedeasy.com/marijuana-symptoms . Feed it some micro nutes and some calmag and it should be fine.
Or maybe some macro nutes cause he hasnt fed it anything in happy frog. You two belong on a tv show together, rub your crystal balls and see the future without knowing the past. Good trick boys.
Or maybe some macro nutes cause he hasnt fed it anything in happy frog. You two belong on a tv show together, rub your crystal balls and see the future without knowing the past. Good trick boys.

You are talking a lot and saying nothing. Not very helpful are you? If he hasn't fed it obviously he needs to feed it. As far for the questioning deficiencies. The answer is simple.
You are talking a lot and saying nothing. Not very helpful are you? If he hasn't fed it obviously he needs to feed it. As far for the questioning deficiencies. The answer is simple.
Not very helpful? At least i tried to find out what was going on before screaming out an answer. Shotgun approch? Just guess huh? So what did he ammend the soil with? Was it kelp meal? You have no clue do you? Oh well, just tell him to do something eh?
Could be, theyre pretty easy to see though. If i were the op id just start feeding it. If theres been no feeding yet and its starting to look funny then mix up some tea and get er. Or just dump some real organic fertilizer in there to get that out of the relm of possibilities.....that is unless the ops over ammended the soil with everything under the sun and theres no way its hungry. Tough to say without a map how to get to the gold.
There is few ways to obtain gold without a map. You can visit a jewelry store or u can use different techniques for gold mining, (off topic)

At the end alienwidow you are telling him the exactly same thing. You clearly have the skills to say nothing with plenty of words as well as being offencive and then repeat urself.

Check for pests.(they are usually easy to spot and u'd know u have pests before u even ask for diagnosis)
Feed you plant and make sure u add Fe and Mg to the diet (on topic)
Could be, theyre pretty easy to see though. If i were the op id just start feeding it. If theres been no feeding yet and its starting to look funny then mix up some tea and get er. Or just dump some real organic fertilizer in there to get that out of the relm of possibilities.....that is unless the ops over ammended the soil with everything under the sun and theres no way its hungry. Tough to say without a map how to get to the gold.
Thanks for the info alien widow.
There is few ways to obtain gold without a map. You can visit a jewelry store or u can use different techniques for gold mining, (off topic)

At the end alienwidow you are telling him the exactly same thing. You clearly have the skills to say nothing with plenty of words as well as being offencive and then repeat urself.

Check for pests.(they are usually easy to spot and u'd know u have pests before u even ask for diagnosis)
Feed you plant and make sure u add Fe and Mg to the diet (on topic)
Wait? No skills? Me? Ya, your right, i dont even grow weed. Im just a nerd that sits on riu's plant problems section all day and night helping growers overgrow the govenment day after day. Im really just a farmer with fifty or so different crops on my farm that doesnt know jack shit about plant problems concerning marijuana. You are correct, you win at riu.