What's wrong with this picture?


Well-Known Member
These are 4 day old sprouts -- 2 of the 3 I have.

The one not pictured is doing well.

These two fell over like this after a day in the sun. They rose back up the following night. (I keep them indoors at night.)

After day 2 in the sun they fell over again and have not yet recovered after another night. The leaves look fine and color is good, they just aren't standing up. Mybe they will in a few days?

I am using the best seedling soil I could find that has food for up to 9 months. When outside I put them in a watering tray to get water from the bottom. Right now the soil is moist.

Any suggestions? Have I stressed them too early in the sun, or is this normal?




Well-Known Member
Yes it most definitely could be, because of the sun. Are they in direct sunlight all day? I recently had a plant indoors and put it into direct sunlight all day and I had the same result. Maybe try putting it in a place where the sunlight only reaches it for a certain period of time a day. I'm not much of an outdoor grower, but hopefully everything turns out well for you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Paulio...yes, they have been in direct sunlight for about 7 to 8 hours.

One of the plants loves it and these two don't. I think i will gradually work them up to it and see if they recover.


Well-Known Member
I had no problems leaving my seedlings in the direct sun for about 10 hours a day during vegging. I would just prop them up a little with some soil or even tie them to a little stick.

I am in Florida, btw.


Well-Known Member
Did you prop them up because they were falling over like mine?

Thanks for the help here and in your thread. Since you've found this thread I will stop asking you questions in yours!

I will check the pot temp later today...did you repot the 3gal into the 5gal to get it cool or just use the bigger pot as a shield during the day?


Well-Known Member
Well, I took a closer inspection, and the stems of these two plants looked pinched and shriveled just below the soil line. I am adding soil to the top in an effort to straighten them out and will sun them some today. i will get a pic up as soon as my batteries recharge. I have no idea why this happened to two of the three seedlings.



Active Member
well you said them look fine othere than the plants tipping over. i had the smae problem just days ago, i used an extralong sishcabob toothpick and some loose twist ties from stop and shop.(free at the bakery section) just wait for the plants keep one tie at the bottom and one at the top. the stems will get stronger and have an easier time supporting themselves


Well-Known Member
Yup, Butters, that stem was looking pretty mangled.

Nicole, I did the soil thing and left them outside for the day. One of them seems to be responding some...will know later.

I'm gonna continue to leave them outside since one of them is doing really well with it. I figure if they don't like the sun then I'm screwed anyway!


Well-Known Member
I think I will leave them outside for the first time tonight. Low is like 55, but should be in the sixties and maybe even 70 most of the night. Is that a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
Well, I didn't leave them outside, but those two that were laying down are just about done. One never got better and the other got better for a day then took a nosedive. From four seeds I had three sprout and two die...one left. Please be a girl...please be a girl!