whats wrong with this lady? few pics inside


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that the damn MG perlite i use feeds the plant too...ughhh.

I use ALOT of perlite too.


Active Member
My opinion....

Why do people always overthink growing? Am I the only one who doesn't trip over a leave looking off or too green, not green enough? Your plant looks fine but now you will have 50 people telling you 50 different things and you can easily fuck your grow up by trying to fix a problem that just isn't there. This plant has an amazing ability to grow and most problems with the plants I find is due to people always fuckin with them. Leaves go bad all the time and when they do they die... no biggie unless it's all the leaves. Some leaves are greener then others, thinner then others, bigger then others, etc. With growing this plant I have found Less is best.


Well-Known Member
My opinion....

Why do people always overthink growing? Am I the only one who doesn't trip over a leave looking off or too green, not green enough? Your plant looks fine but now you will have 50 people telling you 50 different things and you can easily fuck your grow up by trying to fix a problem that just isn't there. This plant has an amazing ability to grow and most problems with the plants I find is due to people always fuckin with them. Leaves go bad all the time and when they do they die... no biggie unless it's all the leaves. Some leaves are greener then others, thinner then others, bigger then others, etc. With growing this plant I have found Less is best.

People do phuck with their plant's a lot!!!! They take any little sign affecting their plants as negative and that something is wrong!!!! You remember your first grows though don't you??? You probabaly did the same thing!!!!


Well-Known Member
Not really sure i can feed it any less than i do brother.

Any less and we're talking just straight water. I cant water it less than i do w/o killing it.

Im really trying to master useing MG products seeing how readily available they are to me.

I HAVE finished 3 grows on MG only products. It wasent a thing of beauty, but i was nicely high when all was said and done.
I think I would hold off on the nutes for a couple waterings, not letting it dry out quite so much as you said later in thread, but not watering every other day either.
I have 2 plants going in MG all purpose soil, and used MG blue stuff like you are until about mid August when I went to some other with 0-15-11 and Molasses.
I was using the MG every other water, small scoop heaping / gal.
Now I only give a dose of the MG when I get the leaves starting to yellow on my Sativa, because it won't be ready until a while
after my other.


Well-Known Member
PPM is not for soil I dont use one and dont need one because with soil your not going to be able to check the ppm when its in the soil and the whole point of checking ppm is to maintain a certain ppm and you cant maintain ppm because soil has to dry before watering hydro is roots exposed to water continuously its a totally different type of growing hence why you need a ppm meter... Please dont speak what you dont know
My plant's roots are not exposed to water continuously, that's DWC mine is flood and drain, they are in pots with hydroton I feed them 3 to 4 times a day, it all drains out after each feeding. and I didn't suggest that I knew, it was just a question. but acording to you I can mix my nutes 3 to 4 times the recomended dosage and nothing will happen 'cause I'm in soil.