What's wrong with this kid?

too me if u get tats. its artwork too show what u stand for or sumthing uve been thru as a person.

but now kids go for what looks dope. kid i knew got "savage" on his chest and another one got "misunderstood" wtf is that. alot of stupid tats. and justin gots one.
tats should entail a story.
None of you know the signifigance of the owl...
i do not know the significance of his owl tattoo. don't care enough to check really. we have a white owl that hangs around and they are glorious creatures, however is tattoo is hideous, HID E OUS


Blue footed Boobies? I can appreciate their sense of humour, at least...
big ugly boobies-check
train wreck-check
Fuck! :cuss:

I came in here thinking that some hero was trying to talk down a psycho kid hopped up on red food dye #40

Instead I'm assaulted by Bieber dysentery.

That "Mr. Cool Ice" dude... wtf must he have been thinking? That's gotta be fake, right?

Bieber prolly said "yolo" about it
i do not know the significance of his owl tattoo. don't care enough to check really. we have a white owl that hangs around and they are glorious creatures, however is tattoo is hideous, HID E OUS

big ugly boobies-check
train wreck-check

Cared enough to make a hate thread tho lol.

Honestly, who cares? I agree he has zero talent, especially since he lost his singing voice now and had to use lip syncing now. Give it another 5 or so years and once another younger pop star comes out, he'll have to either learn to write his own music that actually has meaning or turn out like the ones before him playing at birthday parties and declare bankruptcy, and eventually come back ad a judge on American Idol or something, let the kid have his fun.
Think he meant in his right hand, either a joint or a cigarette, nice to imagine it's a joint as it would compliment the milkshake better.