Whats wrong with this arura indica outdoor(strange discoloring)


Well-Known Member
Can you tell us a little more? How much are you watering are you feeding it with any thing else?
not feeding anything else. I water when top soil (3 inches) in dry and then I dampen back up. If thats not enough water on some hot days I will soak the soil. I live in a hot dry climate (southern nevada)


Active Member
first of all you should be feeding veg nutes already! she looks like she needs nutes man.. get to it! also it looks like your either over or under watering aswell.


Well-Known Member
Karma from the shooting..

Thats not really funny is it. :dunce:

The fourth pic is a leaf miner they are pretty much harmless.. Everything else looks like PH or mag def

Are you using tap water?
yes I use tap water usally from the garden hose. and actually I have done a few foliar feeds with fish fertilizer in the past which was 5-1-1.