whats wrong with these plants


Well-Known Member
hi im in wk 1 of flower and im having probs with these plants , it looks like over water but i cant figure how . ive only been flooding once per lights on. for the first 6hrs/12 they look fine . i wake up to see them before lights out and they look like this . anyone plz help



Well-Known Member
yes i posted in wrong forum lol sorry guys/gals ....... if someone could move this post plz do:)


Well-Known Member
hi im in wk 1 of flower and im having probs with these plants , it looks like over water but i cant figure how . ive only been flooding once per lights on. for the first 6hrs/12 they look fine . i wake up to see them before lights out and they look like this . anyone plz help
It's hard to tell for sure from the picture, but it kinda appears that the rockwool at the base of the plant is quite wet.
You don't want your water to soak the rockwool cubes as they will hold the water for a very long time. Make sure to keep the flood level about 1/2 inch below your rockwool cubes.
Once you make sure the water level is right then you'll be able to flood your tray 3-5 times per lights on (pump on for 3-5min, or long enough to make it to your overflow tube).


Active Member
Alot of people make this mistake, I made it the first time I did flood. Hopefully your overflow tube (if you use one) can be trimmed down a bit to bring your water level lower. Otherwise you are going to be stuck with some root shock pulling the cubes higher. You will have to water around the cubes until they have long enough roots. May have to do that longer than 24 hours since your roots are probably a bit stunted from lack of oxygen.


Well-Known Member
naw thanks guys. and yes i made that mistake my first go too and corrected it this time:mrgreen:. i really cant figure this out . when the come out of there 12 hrs darkness they look great then at the end of 12hrs of light they look tired , overwatered, wilted whatever it is . what about the solution , pathogens ? im using hygrozyme too . after tonights light cycle im waking up and gonna check on them again . see if they are still willting

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
They are overwatered. Only flood when they need it and make sure its @ the right levels as everyone said.

You may not have enough o2 in your res as well even if the water level and timing is in check.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Are these clones? You have them on a 12-12 cycle already with so few growths nodes? that a problem if so. On a flood table I use 4 floods aday size of table will make the difference as to how long. I flood right as my lights come on as my start flood then set my timer for every 6 hours to fllod the table til overflow then timers go off. For my 4x4 tables thats about 15 minutes in a 4x8 table about 35 minutes.Did you put any veg on these as if you got them rooted then went direct to flower your probably shocking them from all the stress


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Another issue Im seeing is that it looks like all you have is the little 2x2 cubes which are starter cubes then those get stuck into 4x4 cubes then into the pot or on top of the rockwool slabs...,why so many in the tables? its gonna crowd and you will get maybe one bud per plants but have tons more work then if used less plants with little more room. I tend to find in a 4x4 table 10 is plenty and in 4x8 table no more then 32 but 25 is way more managable


Well-Known Member
those are 12 in tall trying a s.o.g style . and i trimmed off lower growth b4 i started to flower , lolipoping .im also using 4x4 tables and 6in round pots . ok ok 49 plants per table seems alot id like to grow less can i get some opinions here on plant numbers and what correct pot size to use ? k back to my problem . they are 1 in cubes planted well above flood line . what can i do to fix overwater? thanks for the replies guys these are pics of my last run , wast the greatest but i got enogh smoke . plants wer tiny . this prompt me to grow bigger and trim off lil growth . i would like to achive 1 lb from a 1000w light



Mr I Can Do That For Half
shit from a 1000 watt light grow 3 plants in dwc containers and yield over an lb and reduce your charges if caught and the work


Well-Known Member
well really ? i have to use my tables i just got them . im downsizing cause i hate having this many palnts . i just dont know to what . what plant number , pots size plznt hight ect. thanks for your replies fletch :)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If you have 1000 watt light you can even grow one larger plant in a container either soil or flood and get ovre an lb as long as you got the light and room for a bigger plant which from the table are you do have. Heres a few shots of a 4x8 table in a tent with 21 plants and 2 600 watt lights. i did and just got done harvesting will have weights tonight but its over an lb easy....these are in 6 inch square pots about 20 inches tall at finish. Ill post some new sweet purple in a 3x3 table tonight have 7 in there and usually gives me about 20 oz dry under 1 1000 watt light



Well-Known Member
thank you you just solved my problem lol , what im doing is alot of work . yes post em i wanna sell very grow there . any shots of the 7 under 1000w . ive got 2 1000w covering 2 4x4s would like to grow 14-20 per table or whatevers the best number to fit . ive been threw alot of trial and error over the yrs but theres good spirts here and there lol thnaks again fletch very nice pics


Well-Known Member
ya i dont mind thanks . i dont know what to do with my plants how long should i stop flooding to fix my overwater? next run (if this one makes it) im reducing my plants screw this lmao


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok forgot the pictures of the 7 plant tent but had afew shots of what came off the 4x8 table..not final on the weight as I was sleepy and only jarred up little over an lb so far looking like somewhere from 1 and ahalf to 2 dry lbs though..heres a few quick shots of the tent grab...



Well-Known Member
ya i dont mind thanks . i dont know what to do with my plants how long should i stop flooding to fix my overwater? next run (if this one makes it) im reducing my plants screw this lmao
that's a hell of a lot of plants to have to take care of. i agree with fletch that you should bring the number of plants down and you can grow bigger yielding plants.

i'm not sure about the overwatering.......in fact i'm a little confused myself. i don't do the drip method, but instead i'm growing dwc where the roots are constantly submerged in water for the entire grow. how is this possible if the roots can be overwatered?