Whats wrong with the plants? :(

I would pray to marryjane that your plant don't die
Actually there doing the opposite, thriving. They're loving every bit of what I changed; I put the lights around them instead of above to reduce stretching. Gave them new soil which is neural on ph and has no ferts, only used my hydrolyzed fish emultion for transplanting, I shut off the 200w because the trmp was 90+, the ph is constant 6.8 now. They're happy! Trimmed leaves or not Haha.
Here's the bulb, will it work? I don't think its a heat lamp but that thing gets really hot, is it to much for my lamp cord setup?
Here's my other bulbs

25w Led(probably not actual)

50w "grow light"

Will they work? Also have 1 23watt cfl, as you can see I have a little bit of everyghing.


Active Member
The 200 watt is crap it's incandescent and even though its 200 watts its basically only going to put out heat not the right light spectrum for the plants and u will yeild no buds the led is not really useful it's more in the experimental state because they were horrible but advancements may improved u can try using it. The last bulb looks like a grow bulb it's the best bulb I saw and the plant will love it. With one plant u should usree at least 2 of those bulbs and than u will be all set


Active Member
Also use a fan on the plant Aap dries out the soil helps expand the roots me allows bettwee strong plant with more buds


Active Member
Yeah don't use that 200 indicant, I am not a big fan of grow bulbs either they put off a lot of heat. You would be better sticking to CFL and if you want to supplement with LED lights that works too! Your plant will be fine...


Active Member
My grow room is basically 70-80 degrees naturally because of we're I'm at and the season of summer is here so I don't even need to worry bout heat lol
Thanks guys, I threw that pos away, i didn't buy any of this stuff so its disposable, and I'm going to get more of those plant bulbs, and the plants actually grow toward the led, and the led is 50w not 25w. Are they looking better?
Here's one of the little girls


Active Member
I'm interested to see if you put both the led and the grow light near the plant and see which way it leans, try this I'm eager to find out. Expecially since they are both of the same watt and one is made for growing we're the other isn't. In glad that the plants are doing good dispute the trimming. All those changes ur making must be helping a lot asnf the poor things probably hated u before than lol
I tested that already!:o and they go towards the led. And yes they hated me Haha, it was that damn 99 cent bag of soil, it was dried mud pretty much. Lol. I don't even know how old these plants are but since they were stunted I'm just going to go another 6 weeks on 18/6 then flower!!:D


Active Member
I'm using straight 25/7 light foree the entire plant growth cycle it's supposing best and its working for me
I would but I pay electricity, plus I think they like the nap always seem to be just a little bigger when I turn the lights back on. I just gave them a little cal mag since the soil is neutral, we will see what that does, when should I feed next?
Well that's just because they were lacking it in the soil, and I use neptunes harvest fertilizer, its very lite but I only fed once and waiting another week or too to feed again. Also I just checked them and starting to slightly droop again so I'm just saying screw it and not watering for two more says, I'm guessing that's what they want. Fkn picky but there atleast telling me something, also these haven't had a fan the whole time : but I just got a great job so you guys will see this upgraded weekly (


Active Member
Yeah, leaves turning yellow at bottom indicates nute burn,(think about it, where does it get its food, the roots which is why the ones closest to the ground are burnt.) if it was the light you would see the leaves curling up and burning on top. Then the leaves drooping like that is overwatering, it's ok if they droop after watering some for a couple hours but not that bad.
Yeah, leaves turning yellow at bottom indicates nute burn,(think about it, where does it get its food, the roots which is why the ones closest to the ground are burnt.) if it was the light you would see the leaves curling up and burning on top. Then the leaves drooping like that is overwatering, it's ok if they droop after watering some for a couple hours but not that bad.
All is good now, no yellow, I got these as seedlings in over ferted mg, and didn't know he used that pos soil. Oh well I'm learning.. ok what they want and I just added another cfl with it, they have total light coverage and I hope they won't stretch.

Recomend any techniques I can use in the veg state to maximize horizontal growth ?
My big one is on its 5th set and I just got a fan, another 50w "grow light", my timer is set, should I just do 24/7? I also got a reflector over the.lights.


Active Member
Personally I think 24/7 isbestunless your flowering, witch is hard to use 24/7 unless it's an auto flowering strain, also read the bottle man it will tell USPS often to feed your plants and I am not there to arch so idk how often your babies need food, u gots to listen to them